סדנה: Workshop in Conflict Resolution and Mediation in honor of Mrs. Corrine Evens

23 במאי 2016, 11:00 
בניין נפתלי, אולם ונצואלה (527) 
ללא תשלום
סדנה: Workshop in Conflict Resolution and Mediation in honor of Mrs. Corrine Evens

New Perspectives on Conflict Resolution & Mediation 

Keynote Speech: Prof. Ephraim Yaar, Chair of the Evens Program for Conflict Resolution & Mediation, Department of Sociology and Anthropology  

During the stream of events associated with the 60th anniversary of Tel-Aviv University, the Evens Program for Conflict Resolution & Mediation and the Boris Mints Institute will hold a workshop presenting new perspective on conflict resolution and mediation. The workshop will be chaired by the head of the Evens Program for Conflict Resolution & Mediation, Professor Ephraim Yaar and will feature the three top candidates for the Evens research grants for research in the field of conflict resolution and mediation as follows:

Dr. Nimrod Rosler, Department of Public Policy and the Evens Program for Conflict Resolution & Mediation 

Dr. Sami Miaari, Tel Aviv University Department of Labor Studies at the Faculty of Social Sciences 

Dr. Shira Mor, Department of Public Policy and the Evens Program for Confict Resolution & Mediation 

Nimrod Rosler, Ph.D. is a young Scholar at the Evens Program for Conflict Resolution at TAU that specializes in social psychology and studies the effect of community and national leaders on conflict resolution and mediation.  

Shira Mor, Ph.D. is a recent graduate of the Business School at the University of Columbia in New-York. She is joining the School of Social Studies this fall to work with the Department of Public Policy, the Evens Program for Conflict Resolution & Mediation and the Department of Labor Studies. She is a social psychiatrist specializing in conflict resolution at the workplace with a focus on overcoming tensions emanating from gender and cultural differences.  

Sami Miaari, Ph.D. is an economist with the Department of Labor Studies at TAU.  He studies many aspects of the interface between economics and conflict and has recently turned to study the role of women employment in reducing conflict and violence. 


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