BMI Research – Moving Towards Policy Solutions to Global Challenges

18 במאי 2017, 16:00 
חדר 527, בניין נפתלי 
BMI Research – Moving Towards Policy Solutions to Global Challenges

15:45 Gathering and refreshment

16:00 Vision for BMI: Prof. Itai Sened, Head of BMI and Founding Head of the School for Social and Policy Studi
16:10 BMI Research Progress: Dr. Boris Mints, President of BMI
16:20 Opening lecture: Prof. Eyal Zisser, Vice-Rector of Tel-Aviv University
Climate, Migration and Conflict in the Middle East: From the Bronze Age to Present Day
16:45 Presentations: Food Security
Prof. Eran Bachrach, Department of Cell Research and Immunology
Yoav Rothler, Ph.D. Student, Department of Public Policy
17:15 Presentations: Renewable Energy
Assaf Hochman, Ph.D. Student, the Porter School of Environmental Studies and the School of Geosciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences
Ron Harnik, M.A. Student, Faculty of Engineering
Hadar Traugott, Ph.D. Student, Faculty of Engineering
17:45 Discussion

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