The “Jerusalem of Lithuania”

Ambassador Bruzga talks about Lithuania’s foreign policy and its relationship with Israel

03 יולי 2024

On the 3rd of July 2024, H.E. Audrius Bruzga, the Ambassador of the Republic of Lithuania to the State of Israel, visited Tel Aviv University and explained the priorities of Lithuania’s foreign policy to students of the European Studies program. Ambassador Bruzga talked about the threat by Russia to the European Union and that Lithuania is trying everything it can to support Ukraine and ensure that Ukraine will be successful in defending itself against Russia’s brutal war of aggression. He drew a tragic parallel to the massacres that have happened in Bucha in Ukraine to the massacres of 7 October in Israel and implored that we must stand together against totalitarianism and its brutality. Another apt comparison of Lithuania with Israel was the fate of geography that both countries share: “It’s geography, stupid!” (borrowing from President Clinton’s famous quote on the importance of the economic situation). Ambassador Bruzga emphasized the need for a strong defense for his country and for the European Union.

On a happier note, he asked several quiz questions about Lithuania, and the students learned -among other interesting facts- that Jerusalem is in fact in Lithuania (is capital has been nicknamed the “Jerusalem of Lithuania” because of its Jewish history), that Lithuania is the happiest place on earth for people under the age of thirty according to the 2024 World Happiness Report, and that the country has three national days celebrating three days (re-)establishing Lithuania’s statehood.

A vivid and engaging discussion ensued in which the students liked to know more about Lithuania’s Jewish heritage and history, politics and cooperation among the Baltic countries, the daily schedule of the ambassador, as well as his opinions on various topics of international and European politics.

The European Union studies program wishes to express its deep gratitude to Ambassador Bruzga.

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