A tenure track position at the School of Psychological Sciences

מיקום משרה: 
The School of Psychological Sciences
תיאור משרה: 

The School of Psychological Sciences at Tel Aviv University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position. We invite applications in all areas of psychological sciences, including Clinical Psychology*.

דרישות משרה: 

Requirements: Individuals holding Ph.D with postdoctoral experience and a strong publication record are encouraged to apply. Applicants should demonstrate excellence in research and strong potential for securing and sustaining independent and collaborative extramural funding. A successful applicant will be expected to develop an innovative, independent research program, and to share our commitment to excellence in undergraduate and graduate education. For full consideration, applications should include: 1) Cover letter 2) Curriculum vitae 3) Research statement 4) Teaching statement 5) Three letters of recommendation (sent by the recommenders) Applications should be addressed to Prof. Segev Barak, Head of the School of Psychological Sciences, email: psyjobs@tauex.tau.ac.il The closing date for receipt of applications is September 1st, 2023 *The clinical-psychology track has at its core the scientist-practitioner model. Accordingly, applicants are expected to have solid clinical background and sound clinical research program. The clinical-psychology position is for the starting date of October 2025. For other psychology fields - the starting date is October 2024 or 2025.

סוג משרה: 
היקף משרה: 
תאריך פרסום המשרה: 
שני, יולי 10, 2023
אוניברסיטת תל אביב עושה כל מאמץ לכבד זכויות יוצרים. אם בבעלותך זכויות יוצרים בתכנים שנמצאים פה ו/או השימוש שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות
שנעשה בתכנים אלה לדעתך מפר זכויות נא לפנות בהקדם לכתובת שכאן >>
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