- דמוגרפיה: השפעות סביבתיות וחברתיות של צפיפות האוכלוסין בישראל; הערכת כושר נשיאה מקומי ואזורי; השפעת צפיפות על התנהגות; תמריצים לייצוב אוכלוסייה ולהקטנת העוני; ילודה גבוהה, צפיפות וקונפליקטים; מדיניות ומגדר / העצמת נשים.
- מדיניות סביבתית: מס פחמן ותמריצים כלכליים; רגולציה של חומרים משבשי אנדוקרניים ותרופתיים במי שפכים, הערכת סיכונים השוואתית.
- משפט סביבתי: שמירת מגוון ביולוגי וחקיקה; אסטרטגיה רגולטיבית לפיקוח על קידוחי הגז והנפט.
- היסטוריה סביבתית: תולדות הייעור בישראל; שמירת טבע מאז קום המדינה; בחינת האקטיביזם הסביבתי בישראל.
- מדיניות ציבורית ושינוי אקלים: פעילות ברשויות מקומיות להפחתת גזי חממה; ביצוע הסכם פריס בישראל; התפלה ואנרגיה מתחדשת.
- שיתוף פעולה סביבתית חוצה גבולות: תכנון פארקים של שלום וניהולם; שיתוף פעולה ישראלי/ירדני/פלסטיני בתחום משק המים; טיהור שפכים – עלויות ותועלות.
- מדבור: סטנדרטים וניהול המראה; מגוון ביולוגי וייעור באזורים צחיחים; הערכת פעילות בינלאומית ללוחמה במדבר.
- חינוך סביבתי: הערכת האפקטיביות של תכניות לימוד לקיימות; תכניות לימודים והפעלת סטודנטים באמצעות TiME.
- ניהול משק המים: שיקום נחלים; ניהול אגן הכינרת;
- חקלאות בת קיימא: השפעות סביבתיות של שימוש חוזר בקולחין; בטחון מזון וסיוע בינלאומי; גיול מזון בסביבה אורבנית.
פרופ' אלון טל

תחומי מחקר
קורות חיים
1978-1980אוניברסיטת צפון קרוליינה, תואר ראשון בהצטיינות במדעי המדינה וכלכלה.
1982-1986 האוניברסיטה העברית, תואר במשפטים.
1986-1989 אוניברסיטת הארוורד, תואר שני ושלישי, במדיניות סביבתית. עבודת הדוקטורט: חלופות מדיניות למניעת זיהום חקלאי.
ניסיון מקצועי
- בין 1983-85 עבד בלשכה המשפטית של השירות לשמירת איכות הסביבה של משרד הפנים.
- בין השנים 1985-86 עבד כמתמחה בלשכת היועץ המשפטי לממשלה.
- בין השנים 1987-1989 שימש יועץ לסוכנות לשמירת איכות הסביבה של ארה"ב ((EPA אגף מים ואגף מדיניות ציבורית.
- ב-1990 הקים את ארגון "אדם, טבע ודין", וניהל אותו במשך 7 שנים, במסגרתו יזם מאות מאבקים משפטיים למען הסביבה.
- בין השנים 1994-1997 נבחר להיות חבר במועצה אזורית חבל אילות ופעל למען איכות החיים בערבה.
- ב-1995 היה ממייסדי הארגון "ידידי כדור הארץ מזרח תיכון"; חבר הנהלה עד היום.
- ב-1996 ייסד את "מכון הערבה ללימודי הסביבה", מרכז אקדמי לסטודנטים מהמזרח התיכון ועמד בראשו עד 2004.
- בשנים 1997-2003 כיהן כיו"ר "חיים וסביבה", ארגון הגג של ארגוני הסביבה בישראל. במהלך אותה תקופה הארגון שילש את מספר הארגונים החברים בו.
- מ- 2002 -2016 חבר בדירקטוריון קק"ל, שימש, יו"ר ועדת מנהל פיתוח הקרקע המופקדת על ייעור, שיקום נחלים, פיתוח וכו'.
- חבר משלחת הממשלתית לועידת כדור הארץ ביוהנסבורג, 2002 ומ-2004 מייצג את ישראל באמנת המדבור באופן שוטף.
- בין השנים 1990-2016 כיהן כחבר סגל /פרופ' אורח באוניברסיטאות, העברית, סטנפורד הארוורד, מישגן סטייט, רמנן ואוטגו.
- בין השנים 2005-2016 פרופסור באוניברסיטת בן גוריון, החוג ללימודי סביבה / החוג לאקולוגיה.
- 2016-2024, פרופסור מן המניין, החוג למדיניות ציבורית, אוניברסיטת תל-אביב. ראש החוג, 2016-2020.
- 2021-2022, חבר כנסת, סיעת כחול לבן, יו״ר ועדת משנה לסביבה, אקלים ובריאות, 2021-2022.
- 2023-2024, פרופסור אורח לקייומות, פקולטה לניהול, ב״ס הבינלאומי, אוניברסיטת סטנפורד.
- אלון טל, הסביבה בישראל היסטוריה סביבתית של ארץ ישראל הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד, 2006.
- אלון טל, כל עצי היער, החורש בישראל מן התנ"ך עד ימינו, הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד, 2014.
- והארץ מלאה, התמודדות עם פיצוץ אוכלוסין בישראל, אלון טל, הוצאת הקיבוץ המאוחד 2016.
- Alon Tal, Pollution in a Promised Land – An Environmental History of Israel, Berkeley, California, University of California Press, 2002.
- Alon Tal, Speaking of Earth: Environmental Speeches that Moved the Earth, Rutgers University Press, 2006.
- Bar-Ilan, Yael, Pearlmutter, David, Tal, Alon, Policy Mechanisms for Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Israel, Haifa, The Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies Press, 2010.
- Tal, A., Abed- Rabbo, A. (Editors) Water Wisdom, a New Menu for Palestinian and Israeli Cooperation in Water Management, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, 2010
- Orenstein, D. Tal, A., Miller, C. ( Editors), Between Ruin to Restoration, An Environmental History of Israel, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 2012
- Alon Tal, All the Trees of the Forest, Israel's Woodlands from the Bible to the Present, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2013.
- Alon Tal, The Land is Full, Addressing Overpopulation in Israel, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2016.
- Gulati, Ashok, Huang, Jikun, Tal, Alon, From Food Scarcity to Surplus - Innovations in Indian, Chinese and Israeli Agriculture, Springer Press, 2021.
- Tal, Alon, Making Climate Tech Work, Policies that Drive Innovation, Washington, Island Press, 2024.
פרסומים אקדמיים: כמאה ועשרים מאמרים ופרקים בספרים אקדמיים.
2016 פרס חייקין, על ספר מקורי בנושא גאואסטרטגיה מאוניברסיטת חיפה.
2011 אוניברסיטת אוקספורד, זוכה מלגת קנדי ליי
2008 "אות מפעל חיים" מן המשרד להגנת הסביבה על תרומה לשמירת הסביבה בישראל.
2006 פרס ברונפמן על "תרומה הומניטארית של מנהיג צעיר יהודי".
2006 פרס שיבע, חוקר מצטיין מטעם קרן בן-גוריון.
1999 פרס לואיס, חוקר מצטיין בתחום הייעור.
1989 פרס ווילנסקי, חוקר צעיר המצטיין באוניברסיטת הארוורד בתחום מדיניות בריאות הציבור.
פרטים אישיים
נולד: 12 ביולי, 1960
עליה לישראל: 14 ביולי, 1980
שירות צבאי: נח"ל מוצנח, 1980-1982; שירות מילואים: 1982-2009, דרגה, סמל ראשון
מנגן כינור, גיטרה ומנדולינה בלהקת הקאונטרי "בוקרי הערבה"
נשוי לרובין, ואב למיקה, הדס וזואי
ספרים אקדמיים
1. Tal, Alon Pollution in a Promised Land – An Environmental History of Israel, Berkeley, California, University of California Press, 2002. (546 pages).
2. Tal, Alon Speaking of Earth: Environmental Speeches that Moved the World, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press, 2006. (255 pages)
3. Tal, Alon The Environment in Israel: Natural Resources, Crises, Campaigns and Policy from the Advent of Zionism until Twenty-first Century, (in Hebrew) B'nei Brak, HaKibbutz HaMeuhad Press,2006. (620 pages)
4. Bar-Ilan, Yael, Pearlmutter, David, Tal, Alon, Building Green: Policy Mechanisms for Promoting Energy Efficiency in Buildings in Israel, The Technion, Center for Urban and Regional Studies Press, 2010. (187 pages)
5. Tal, Alon, All the Trees of the Forest, Israel’s Woodlands from the Bible to the Present, New Haven, Connecticut, Yale University Press, 2013 (328 pages).
Hebrew edition: B’nei Brak, Hotzaat HaKibbutz Hameuchad, 2014.
6.Tal, Alon, The Land is Full: Addressing Overpopulation in Israel, accepted for publication, New Haven, Yale University Press, 2016.
Hebrew Edition - Hotzaat HaKibbutz Hameuchad, December, 2017.
7. Gulati, Ashok, Huang, Jikun, Tal, Alon, From Food Scarcity to Surplus - Innovations in Indian, Chinese and Israeli Agriculture, Springer Press, 2021.
8.Tal, Alon, Making Climate Tech Work, Policies that Drive Innovation, Washington, Island Press, 2024.
Morton I. Teicher, “Israel’s Environmental Wrongs”, Jerusalem Post, October 2, 2002, reprinted in National Jewish Post and other syndicated American Jewish newspapers.
Jonathan Drew, “Israeli Environmentalist Returns for Triangle Talks” Durham Morning Herald, August, 8, 2002.
Zafrir Rinat, HaAretz “The Environmental Price of Zionism Threatens Zionism Itself” Haaretz, Newspaper, Sfarim (Hebrew and English feature) May 6, 2003, p. 7.
Richard C. Foltz “Book Review, Pollution in a Promised Land”, Environmental History, vol. 8 no. 3
Paul Kay, “Making the Desert Bloom” Alternatives Journal, Spring, 2003, Vol. 9 No. 2
Noga Morag-Levine, “Book Review, Alon Tal: Pollution in a Promised Land” Ariel, The Israel Review of Arts and Literature, vol. 115, 2003, p. 81.
Stephen S. Anderson Pollution in a Promised Land: An Environmental History of Israel - Books of Note. Environment, July-August, 2003
Selected Reviews for All the Trees of the Forest:
B. D. Orr, "All the Trees of the Forest," Choice Reviews of the American Library Association, April, 2014.
Sharon Udasin, "An Extraordinary Story," The Jerusalem Post, Books Section, January 16,2014.
Sue Fishkoff, "He Can See Israel's Forest for the Trees – and the planet," The J, January 9,2014.
Michael Cohen, "Telling the Story of Israel's Trees," The Forward, February 4, 2014.
Zafrir Rinat, “Not Withstanding the Hostilities, How to Bring Israeli Arabs Closer to Israeli Forests?” Haaretz, February 2, 2015.
Selected Reviews for The Land is Full
Ruth Schuster, “Stop Encouraging Big Families: Israel Is Full, Demography Expert Warns, Haaretz, Aug 22, 2016.
Daniel Orenstein, “Is the Land of Israel Really Full? Read and Decide, Times of Israel, September 19, 2016.
Morton I. Teicher, “Israel’s Environmental Wrongs”, Jerusalem Post, October 2, 2002, reprinted in National Jewish Post and other syndicated American Jewish newspapers.
Jonathan Drew, “Israeli Environmentalist Returns for Triangle Talks” Durham Morning Herald, August, 8, 2002.
Zafrir Rinat, HaAretz “The Environmental Price of Zionism Threatens Zionism Itself” Haaretz, Newspaper, Sfarim (Hebrew and English feature) May 6, 2003, p. 7.
Richard C. Foltz “Book Review, Pollution in a Promised Land”, Environmental History, vol. 8 no. 3
Paul Kay, “Making the Desert Bloom” Alternatives Journal, Spring, 2003, Vol. 9 No. 2
Noga Morag-Levine, “Book Review, Alon Tal: Pollution in a Promised Land” Ariel, The Israel Review of Arts and Literature, vol. 115, 2003, p. 81.
Stephen S. Anderson Pollution in a Promised Land: An Environmental History of Israel - Books of Note. Environment, July-August, 2003
Selected Reviews for All the Trees of the Forest:
B. D. Orr, "All the Trees of the Forest," Choice Reviews of the American Library
Association, April, 2014.
Sharon Udasin, "An Extraordinary Story," The Jerusalem Post, Books Section, January 16,
Sue Fishkoff, "He Can See Israel's Forest for the Trees – and the planet," The J, January 9,
Michael Cohen, "Telling the Story of Israel's Trees," The Forward, February 4, 2014.
Zafrir Rinat, “Not Withstanding the Hostilities, How to Bring Israeli Arabs Closer to Israeli Forests?” Haaretz, February 2, 2015.
Selected Reviews for The Land is Full
Ruth Schuster, “Stop Encouraging Big Families: Israel Is Full, Demography Expert Warns, Haaretz, Aug 22, 2016.
Daniel Orenstein, “Is the Land of Israel Really Full? Read and Decide, Times of Israel, September 19, 2016.
עורך של ספרים אקדמיים
1. Tal, A. and Adleman, A. Editors, 2002, Environmental and Policy, Jerusalem, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies.
2. Tal, A., Abed- Rabbo, A. Editors, 2010, Water Wisdom, a New Menu for Palestinian and Israeli Cooperation in Water Management, New Brunswick, NJ, Rutgers University Press.
3. Miller, C. Orenstein, D. Tal, A. Editors, 2012, Between Ruin to Restoration, An Environmental History of Israel, University of Pittsburgh Press.
Selected Reviews of Water Wisdom
Haim Watzman, “Palestinians and Israelis talk water”, Nature 4666, August 112, 2010, p. 820.
Dan Tamir, “Water Wisdom, a New Menu for Palestinian and Israeli Cooperation in Water Management” Environmental History, Oxford Journals, 16 (3) 556-557.
Selected for inclusion in the Global Foresight Books project, 2011.
Selected Review for Between Ruin and Restoration
Zafrir Rinat, "How Israel Internalized the Importance of Nature Preservation", HaAretz, April 28, 2013.
Peter Collier, "Between Ruin and Restoration", Environment and History, 19(3) August, 2013.
מאמרים אקדמיים
1. Rosenthal (Tal), A. 1985. Measuring Noise: Towards an Optimal Judicial Policy, Israel Law Review, 20, (1): 4-98.
2. Rogers, P. and Rosenthal (Tal), A. 1988. The Imperatives of Nonpoint Source Water Pollution Policy, Journal of the Water Pollution Control Association, 60 (11):1912-1921.
3. Rosenthal (Tal), A. 1988. USDA's Dubious Commitment to Water Quality, Environmental Forum, 5: 18-22.
4. Rosenthal (Tal) A. 1990. State Agricultural Pollution Regulation, A Quantitative Assessment, Water Environment and Technology,. 2,(8): 50-58.
5. Rosenthal (Tal), A. Gray G., and Graham, J.1992. Legislating Acceptable Risk From Exposure to Toxic Chemicals, Ecology Law Quarterly, 19 (2): 269- 362. Reprinted in An Environmental Law Anthology, Fischman et. al., Ed. Cincinnati, Anderson, 1996.
6. Tal, A. 1992. On Protected Societal Values and the Criminality of Environmental Offenses, Ha Praklit, Journal of the Israel Bar Association,. 40 (3): 413-420.
7. Tal, A. 1995. Citizen Suits to Improve Sewage Treatment, The Limitations and Potential of Legal Actions Against Polluting Municipalities, Ecology and Environment, 2: 151-155.
8. Tal, A. 1997. A Failure to Engage: Public Interest Activism and Environmental Health Risk Assessment, Environmental Forum, 14 (1): 13-21.
9. Tal, A. 1997. An Imperiled Promised Land, The Antecedents of Israel's Environmental Crises and Prospects for Change, Journal of Developing Societies, 13 (1):116-134.
10. Tal, A. 1997. Assessing the Environmental Movement's Attitudes Towards Risk Assessment, Environmental Science and Technology, 30 (10): .470-476.
11. Tal, A. 1998. Enforceable Standards to Abate Agricultural Pollution: The Potential of Regulatory Policies in the Israeli Context, Tel Aviv University Studies in Law, 14: 223-286.
12. Tal, A. 1998. Beyond the Rhetoric of Statistical Murder, Toward a Rational and Compassionate Environmentalist Perspective about the Ethics of Risk Assessment, Ecosystem Health, 4 (3):70-176.
13. Tal, A. 2000. Quantification of Economic Benefits of Non-Complying Polluters: Potential for Integration of the BEN Model into the Israeli Penalty Framework, Ecology and Environment, vol. 7: 3-16.
14. Marom-Albeck, O., Tal, A. 2000. Towards a More Effective Model of Public Interest Environmental Citizen Suits, Israel Law Review,34 (3): 373-424.
15. Tal, A. 2002. Air Pollution from Transportation, Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, peer reviewed monograph in policy publication series, 1-49.
16. Talitman, D. Tal, A. Brenner, S. 2004. The Devil is in the Details: Increasing International Law’s Influence on Domestic Environmental Performance--the Case of Israel and the Mediterranean Sea, New York University Environmental Law Journal, 11 (2) 414-478.
17. Tal, A. 2004. Naturally Quiet, Towards a Legislative Strategy for Regulating Air Space Above National Parks in New Zealand, Otago Law Review, 10 (4):515-552.
18. Tal, A., Linkov, I..2004. The Role of Comparative Risk Assessment in Addressing Environmental Security in the Middle East, Risk Analysis, 24 ( 5): 1243-1248.
19. Bellesi, F., Lehrer, D. and Tal, A. 2005. Comparative Advantage, The Impact of ISO 14001 Environmental Certification on Exports, Environmental Science and Technology, 39 (7): 1943-1953.
20. Tal, A. 2005. Policy Options for Improving the Longevity and Effectiveness of Catalytic Converters in Israel, peer reviewed monograph, the Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies series on environmental policy 1-60.
21. Kerret, D., Tal, A. 2005. Greenwash or Green Gain? Predicting the Success and Evaluating the Effectiveness of Environmental Voluntary Agreements, Pennsylvania State University Journal of Environmental Law, 14: 31-84.
22. Tal, A. 2006. Seeking Sustainability: Israel's Evolving Water Management Strategy, Science, 313:1081-1084.
23. Ben-Gal, A. Tel-Tsur, N. Tal, A. 2006. The Sustainability of Arid Agriculture: Trends and Challenges, Annals of the Arid Zone 45(2): 1-31.
24. Tal, A. 2007. Degraded Commitments, Reviving International Efforts To Combat Desertification, Brown Journal of International Affairs, 13(2): 187-197.
25. Tal. A. 2007 Natural Flow: Questions and Answers Regarding the Suitability of Israel's Water Law to a New Environmental Reality, Legal Research, (Bar Ilan University Law Review) 23 (2): 317-370.
26. Tal, A. 2007. To Make a Desert Bloom – The Israeli Agriculture Adventure and the Quest for Sustainability, Agricultural History, 81 (2): 228-258.
27. Tal, A. and Cohen, J. 2007. Adding 'Top Down' to 'Bottom Up': A New Role for Environmental Legislation in Combating Desertification, Harvard Journal of Environmental Law, 31(1): 163-219.
28. Tal, A. 2007. Losing Diplomatic Ground: Israel’s Declining International Commitment to Combat Desertification, The Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 1 (3) 121-130.
29. Yermiyahu, U. Tal, A. Ben-Gal, A. Bar-Tal, A. Tarchisky, J. Lahav, O 2007. Rethinking Desalinated Water Quality and Agriculture, Science 318: 920-921.
30. Negev, M. Sagy, G. Garb, Y., Salzberg, A., Tal, A. 2008. Evaluating the Environmental Literacy of Israeli Elementary and High School Students, The Journal of Environmental Education 39 (2): 3-20.
31. Tal, A. 2008. Space Matters: Historic Drivers and Turning Points in Israel's Open Space Protection Policy, Journal of Israel Studies,13(1): 119-151.
32. Tal, A. 2008. Enduring Technological Optimism: Zionism's Environmental Ethic and its Influence on Israel's Environmental History, The Journal of Environmental History 13: 275-305.
33. Sagy, G., Negev, M., Garb, Y., Salzberg A. and Tal, A. 2008. Environmental Literacy: Trends in Environmental Education in Israel, Studies in Natural Resources and Environmental Management 6: 64-78.
34. Sagy, G., Negev, M., Garb, Y., Salzberg A. and Tal, A. 2008. Results of a National Survey in the Israeli Education System, Studies in Natural Resources and Environmental Management,. 6: 79-102.
35. Tal, A. 2009. Tried and True: Reducing Green House Gas Emissions in New Zealand through Conventional Environmental Legislative Modalities, Otago University Law Journal. 12: 1-47.
36. Tal, A. 2009. The Logic and Logistics of Grazing Regulations, Journal of Land Degradation and Development, 20: 455–467.
37. Wachs, L., Tal, A. 2009. Herd No More: Livestock Husbandry Policies and the Environment in Israel, Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 22: (5) 401-422.
38. Tal, A, 2009. What’s Jewish About Jewish Environmentalism?, Studies in Jewish Civilization, 20(1)161-182.
39. Negev, M. Garb, Y. Biller, B. Sagy, G. and Alon Tal, 2010. Environmental Problems, Causes, and Solutions: An Open Question, The Journal of Environmental Education, 41(2): 101–115.
40. Tal, A. Aharon,Y. Yuhas-Peled, H. 2010. The Relative Advantages of Criminal versus Administrative Environmental Enforcement Actions in Israel, Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 12: 813–821.
41. Nsheiwat, Z., Kozer, E., Berkovich, M., Tal, A. 2010. Comparison of Lead Exposures in Industrial “Hot Spots” in Jordan and Israel, Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Chemistry 92(4) 669-682.
42. Abramson, A., Tal, A., el-Khateeb, N. Assi, A., Becker, N., Asaf, L,. Adar, E. 2010. Stream Restoration as a Basis For Israeli-Palestinian Cooperation – A Comparative Analysis of Two Transboundary Rivers, Journal of River Basin Management 8(1) 39 - 53.
43. Justo-Hanani, R., Dayan, T. Tal. A.,2010. The Role of Regulatory Decision-Making on Non-Indigenous Species Introductions, Biological Invasions 12(8) 2815-2824.
44. Maimon, A., Tal, A., Friedler, E., Gross, A. 2010. Safe on-site reuse of greywater for irrigation – a critical review of current guidelines, Environmental Science and Technology, 44 (9) 3213–3220.
45. Tal, A. Al khateeb, N., Nagouker, N., Ackerman, H., Diabat, M., Nassar, A., Angel A., Abu Sadah, M., Hershkovitz, Y., Gasith, A., Assi, A., Halawani, D., Abramson, A,. Laronne, J., Asaf, L. 2010. Israeli / Palestinian Transboundary Stream Restoration and Management: Lessons for the future, Journal of River Basin Management. 8(2) 185-205.
46. Teschner, N. Garb, Y., Tal, A., 2010. The Environment in Successive Regional Development Plans for Israel's Periphery, International Planning Studies, 15(2) 79-97.
47. Tal, A. Al khateeb, N., Nagouker, N., Ackerman, H., Diabat, M., Nassar, A., Angel A., Abu Sadah, M., Hershkovitz, Y., Gasith, A., Assi, A., Halawani, D., Abramson, A,. Laronne, J., Asaf, L., 2010. Chemical and Biological Monitoring in Ephemeral and Intermittent Streams, Lessons Learned from a Study of Two Transboundary Palestinian-Israeli Watersheds, Journal of River Basin Management 8(2) 185-205.
48. Tal, A.2010. Thirsting for Pragmatism: A Constructive Alternative to Amnesty International’s Report on Palestinian Access to Water, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs 4(2)59-73.
49. Tal, A., Gordon, J. 2010. Carbon Cautious: Israel’s Afforestation Experience and Approach to Sequestration, Small-scale Forestry, 9(4) 409-420.
50. Tal, A. 2011. The Desalination Debate – Lessons Learned Thus Far, Environment 53(5) 35-49.
51. Teschner, N., Garb, Y, Tal, A.,2012 Environmental Aspects of Planning Development for the Negev, Ecology and Environment 3(1) 73-77.
52. Tal, A., 2012 Israel’s New Bible of Forestry and the Pursuit of Sustainable Dryland Afforestation, Geography Research Forum 33 81-95.
53 . Kfir O, Tal, A. Gross, A. Adar, E. 2012. Assessing the effectiveness of waste water reuse reservoirs in Israel: Results of a National Survey, Resources, Conservation and Recycling 68 76-87.
54. Groner, E., Orenstein, D. Lihod, O. Muotu, W., Arnon, O., Tal, A. 2012. The Effect of Single Family Homesteads in the Negev on Biodiversity, Ecology and Environment, 3(4) 320-330 (In Hebrew).
55. Tal, A., Katz, D., 2012. Rehabilitating Israel’s Streams and Rivers, Journal of River Basin Management. 10:4, 317-330.
56. Friedlander, L., Tal, A. Lazarovich, 2013. Drip Irrigation in Sub-Saharan Africa, Towards a strategy for successful technology transfer, Agricultural Water Management,126, 125-132.
57. Tal, A.,Zchout, S., Oshri, L., Greenspoon, I., Akov, S., 2013. Israel’s environmental movement: strategic challenges, Environmental Politics, 22(5), 779-791.
58. Trilnick, I., Tal, A., 2013. Should we blame the rich for clogging our landfills?, Waste Management & Research 20(10) 1-6.
59. Tal, A., 2013. Shifting Sands, Land and Water Management in the Middle East, Harvard International Review, 35(2) 37-41.
61. Trilnick, I., Tal, A., 2014. What Drives Municipal Solid Waste Policy Making? An Empirical Assessment of the Effectiveness of Tipping Fees and Other Factors in Israel, The Journal of Solid Waste Technology and Management, 40(4) 2014, 364-374.
62. Tal, A., 2014. Israel's Environment, 2013, Characterizing Present Challenges in Environmental Education, Ecology and Environment, October, 2014, 189-192.
63. Tal, A., 2015. The Implications of Environmental Trading Mechanisms on a Future Zero Net Land Degradation Protocol, Journal of Arid Environments 112, 25-32.
64. Sagy, G., Tal, A., 2015. ‘Greening the Curriculum: Current Trends in Environmental Education in Israel’s Public Schools, Journal of Israel Studies, 20 (1) 57-85
65. Futran, V., Tal, A., Arnon, S., 2015. Why Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) Challenge Traditional Risk Assessment and How to Respond, Journal of Hazardous Materials 9 589-611.
66. Michaels, L. , Tal, A , 2015. Convergence and conflict with the 'national interest': Why Israel abandoned its climate policy, Energy Policy 87, 480-485.
67. Tal, A. 2016, Rethinking the Sustainability of Israel’s Irrigation Practices in the Dryalnds, Water Research 90, 387-394.
68. Tal, A. 2016, Has Technology Trumped Adaptive Management? A Review of Israel’s Idiosyncratic Hydrological History, Global Environment, 9 (2016): 484–515.
69. Tal, A. 2016, The Recycling Quandary, Ecology and Environment 7 (4) 74-76.
70. Tal, A. 2016 British Planting, An Unrealized Promise, Merchavim, Winter, 2016, 159-188.
71. Dotan; P., Arnon, S., Godinger, T., Odeh, W., Groisman, L., Al-Khateeb, N., Abed Rabbo, Tal, A., 2016. Occurrence and Fate of Endocrine Disrupting Compounds in Wastewater Treatment Plants in Israel and the Palestinian West Bank, Chemosphere 155 86-
72. Filkobski, I. , Tal, A., Rofeh, Y., 2016, Community gardens in Israel: characteristics and perceived functions, accepted for publication, Journal of Urban Forestry & Urban Greening, 17(1) 148-157.
73. Leon-Zchout, S., Tal, A, 2016, Conflict Versus Consensus Strategic Orientations Among Environmental NGOs: An Empirical Evaluation, VOLUNTAS, International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, 27(3) DOI 10.1007/s11266-016-9723-2.
74. Dotan, P., Tal, A., Arnon, S., 2017, A simple model for estimating the concentrations of natural estrogens in raw wastewater, Science of the Total Environment 575, 588–594.
75 Tal, A. 2017, Will We Always Have Paris? Israel's Tepid Climate Change Strategy, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 10 (3) 405-421.
76. Tal, A., 2017, Will Demography Defeat River Restoration? The Case of the Jordan River?, The Journal of Water Research. 111, 404-419.
77. Wu, J., Tal, A., 2017, From Pollution Charge to Environmental Protection Tax: A Comparative Analysis of the Potential and Limitations of China’s New Environmental Policy Initiative, Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis 1-14.
78. Gordon-Kirsch, N., Tal, A., Arnon, S., Odeh, W., Godinger, T., Abed- Rabbo, A., Al Khateeb, N., 2017. A Model for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Wastewater Treatment Facilities Regarding Endocrine Disrupting Compound Removal: A Case Study in the Palestinian West Bank, International Journal of Water and Wastewater Treatment, 3(3) 1-5.
79. Dotan, P. Yeshayahu, M. Odeh, W. Nna Gordon- Kirsch, N. Groisman, L., Al-Khateeb, N, Abed Rabbo, A., Tal, A., Arnon, S., 2017, Endocrine disrupting compounds in streams in Israel and the Palestinian West Bank: Implications for transboundary basin management, Environmental Management 204, 355-364.
80. Tal, A. A History of Israel’s Biodiversity, World Environmental History, 2017
81. Tal, A., 2017, Overcoming Jevons Paradox: Improving The Sustainability of Israel’s Transportation Policies, Journal of Environment, Pollution and Climate Change 1: 139.
82. Shanas, U., Gavish, Y., Bernheim, M., Mittler, S., Olek, Y., Tal, A., 2017, Human cultures and resulting cascading ecological effects across the political border of Israel and Jordan, Canadian Journal of Zoology. Accepted for publication.
83. Tal, A.,2018, Making Conventional Agriculture Environmentally Friendly: Moving beyond the Glorification of Organic Agriculture and the Demonization of Conventional Agriculture, Sustainability, 2018, 10(4), 1078.
84. Kerret, D., Tal, A., 2018, Transforming an Environmentally Pernicious Holiday into an Environmentally Healthy Festival: An intervention study of L’ag B’Omer, Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, and Ecology, accepted for publication, March, 2018.
85. Carmi N., Tal.A., 2018, The perceived relationship between population growth and current ecological problems using repertory grid technique, Human and Ecological Risk Assessment
86. Perry, E. Tal, A. 2018, International Efforts to Regulate Noise and Flickering from Wind Turbines and Recommendations for Israel, Ecology and Environment, 9 (3) 14-21. (Hebrew)
87. Tal, A., 2018, Addressing Desalination’s Carbon Footprint: The Israeli Experience, Water, 10, 197-210.
88. Tal, A. 2019, The implications of climate change driven depletion of Lake Kinneret water levels: the compelling case for climate change-triggered precipitation impact on Lake Kinneret's low water levels, The Science of the Total Environment, 664, 1045-1061.
89. Miarov, O.,Tal, A., Avisar, D. 2019, A critical evaluation of comparative regulatory strategies for monitoring pharmaceuticals in recycled wastewater, Environmental Management .
90. Klimašauskaitė, A., Tal, A. 2019, Faces of power in Integrated Coastal Zone Management: Case studies of Eilat and Aqaba, Ocean and Coastal Management.
91. Tal, A., 2019, Climate change's impact on Lake Kinneret: Letting the data tell the story, The Science of the Total Environment 685 1272-1255.
92. Karnielli, A., Shtein, A., Panov, N., Weisbrod, N., and Tal, A., 2019, Was Drought Really the Trigger Behind the Syrian Civil War in 2011?, Water 11(8) 1564-1575.
93.Tsairi, Y., Tal, A., Katz, D. 2019, Travel Reimbursement among Public Service Workers: Implications and the costs of Increased Utilization of Private Vehicles and Willingness of Workers to Improve the Situation, Traffic and Transportation, 129, 26-29.
94. Tal, A. 2019, Lake Kinneret and Climate Change (Letter to the Editor), Science of the Total Environment, 664, 175-176.
95. Peleg-Mizrachi, M., Tal, A., 2020, Caveats in Environmental Justice, Consumption and Ecological Footprints: The Relationship and Policy Implications of Socioeconomic Rank and Sustainable Consumption Patterns, Sustainability 12, 231.
96. Tal, A., 2020, Not Just Tolerated—A Global Leader: Lessons Learned from Israel's Experience in the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification, Israel Studies, 25 (1) 122-148.
97. Tal, A., Kerret, D. 2020, Positive psychology as a strategy for promoting sustainable population policies, Heliyon, 6 eO3696.
98. Tal, A. 2020, Unkept Promises: Israel’s Implementation of Its International Climate Change Commitments, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, Spring, 2020.
99. Tsairi, Y. Tal, A., 2020, The Contribution of Urban Population Density to Corona Incidence in Israel, Ecology and Environment 20(1).
100. Tal, A., Billig, M. 2020, The Impact of Visits to Dryland Forests on Environmental Outlook: Results from a 11 National Survey, Forests 11 872.
101. Wolfson, A., Ayalon, O., Tal, A. (2020) A Strategic Analysis of Electricity Generation Alternatives: A Perspective from the Future, Journal of Environmental Science and Public Health 4 (3) 244-257.
102. Peri, E., Tal, A. (2020) A Sustainable Way Forward for Wind Power: Assessing turbines’ environmental impacts using a holistic GIS analysis, Applied Energy (279) 115829.
103. Peri, E., Becker, N., Tal, A., 2020, What really undermines public acceptance of wind turbines? A choice experiment analysis in Israel, Land Use Policy (99) 105113.
104. Tal, A. 2020, A Plan that Changed Consciousness, The Influence of Adam Mazor and the 2020 Plan, Planning 17(2) 73-77.
105. Tal, A. Roth, M., 2020. Transboundary Energy Initiatives in the Middle East: a Feasibility Assessment, Energy Law Journal (accepted for publication, fall 2020).
106. Gould, R., Tal, A. 2020, Returning Population to the Sustainable Development Discourse: Israel as a Case Study, Acta Universitatis Carolinae, 20 (1) 11-43.
107. Peri, E., Tal, A., 2021, Is setback distance the best criteria for siting wind turbines under crowded conditions? An empirical analysis, Energy Policy, 155, 112346.
108. Peleg-Mizrahi, M, Tal, A. 2021, Environment, Politics, Religion and Economy: Analysis of Levels of Support for Environmental-Economic Policy Measures for Recovery from the Corona Crisis, by Socio-Economic Decile, Religion Levels and Political Position, Research Papers in Administration and Public Policy, Paper number 13, Haifa University
109. Peleg-Mizrahi, M, Tal, A. 2021, Consumption, Crisis, Sustainability and Policy: Social Aspects of Consumption and Environment during the Corona", Israeli Sociology, special issue Society Meets a Plague
110. Peleg-Mizrachi, M., Tal, A., 2021, The Impact of the Corona Crisis on the Environmental Behaviors of Different Socioeconomic Groups, Environmental Research Letters, 16 064086109.
111. Tal, A. 2022, Israel’s Response to the Global Climate Crisis, Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, 15:3, 409-414
112. Peleg-Mizrachi, M., Tal, A., 2022, Regulation for Promoting Sustainable, Fair and Circular Fashion, Sustainability, 14, 502
113. Roth, Michael and Alon Tal. 2022, The ecological tradeoffs of desalination in land-constrained countries seeking to mitigate climate change, Desalination 529, 115607
114. Tal, A. 2022, Defining National Goals to Reduce Emissions in the Framework of the Climate Law – A Pathology of Vagueness and Anemia, Ecology and Environment 13(3)
115 Peleg-Mizrachi, M., Tal, A., 2022, Sustainable Fashion, Rationale and Policies Encyclopedia, 2 (2) 1154-1167 (Ed. Seung-Hee Lee and Raffaele Barretta)
116. Kramer, I., Tsairi, Y., Roth, M., Tal, A., Mau, Y. 2022, Population Growth to Greatly Increase Israel’s Reliance on Desalinated Water, npj Clean Water
117. Tal, A., Tsairi, Y., 2022, The Effects of Population Density on Public Health in Israel: Present; Desirable and Anticipated; Israel Journal of Sociology 24 (1)199 -225
118. Tsairi, Y.,Tal, A. Katz. D., 2023, Policy dissonance when wearing the “employer hat”: The practice of governmental vehicle reimbursement among public sector employees, Case Studies on Transport Policy 12 100997.
119. Tal, A. 2024, The Demands of Dubai: Is Israel Prepared to Meet the New Global Road Map for Climate Action? Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs, June, 1-22.
120. Tal, A., Cohen, G., 2024, A Sustainable Restoration Plan for Gaza, International Journal of Conflict Management ISSN: 2957-7144, 5, (2) 1 – 9.
121. Tal, A. 2024, A Charismatic Hyena: Insights for Human Wildlife Interaction in Shared Urban Environments, Case Studies in the Environment 8(1) 2302549.
122. Tal, A. An Airport; A Valley – and the Many Meanings of Chronic Indecision, Journal of Israel Studies (Under Review).
פרקים נבחרים בספרים
1. Tal, A., 1992.Increasing Demand for Recyclable Wastes and Recycled Products: The Limitations and Potential of Statutory Solutions, Environmental Quality and Ecosystem Stability, Proceedings in Adin, et. al, Ed. Jerusalem, ISEEQS, 1992.
2. Tal, A. 1994. Enmity in the Wind, Regulation of Transboundary Air Pollution in an IsraeliPalestinian Environmental Agreement, Our Shared Environment, (Ed. Twite, Issac) Jerusalem, IPCRI, p. 246-279.
3. Tal, A. 2004. Left Out - The Irrelevance of Political Ideology to Current Israeli Environmentalism, Who’s Left in Israel, Ed. Dan Leon, Sussex, Academic Press.
4. Tal, A. 2004. Towards a More Coherent Regional Environment Agenda in the Middle East: Exploring The Role of Comparative Risk Assessment, Developments in Comparative Risk Assessment, (Ed. I. Linkov) Kluwer, p. 125-131.
5. Tal, A, 2007. International Water Law and Implications for Cooperative IsraeliPalestinian Transboundary Water Management, Integrated Water Resources Management and Security in the Middle East, (C. Lipchin, E. Pallant, Ed.) Springer, 213-236
6. Asaf, L., Negaoker, N., Tal, A., Laronne, J., Al Khateeb, N.2007 . Transboundary Stream Restoration in Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Integrated Water Resources Management and Security in the Middle East,(C. Lipchin, E. Pallant, Ed.) Springer, 285- 295.
7. Tal, A, 2010,. A Slow Crawl Forward in the Dust: Desertification, The Environmental Orphan, The Turning Points of Environmental History (C. Mauch, Jo. Radkau, F. Uekötter, ed.) University of Pittsburgh Press 146-162
8. Tal, A. 2012. Combating Desertification: Evolving Perceptions and Strategies, in Israel’s Environmental History Miller, C. Orenstein, D. Tal, A. Editors, 2012, Between Ruin to Restoration, An Environmental History of Israel, Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh Press, 106-128.
9. Tal, A. 2013. Management of Transboundary Wastewater Discharges, Shared Borders, Shared Waters, (Megdal, S.B., Varady R.G. & Eden S. eds.) Leiden, CRC Press/Balkema Taylor & Francis Group in cooperation with UNESCO, 221-232.
10. Tal, A. 2013. Israel’s Stream Restoration Experience, Water Policy in Israel, Context, Issues and Options (Nir Becker Ed.) Dordrecht, Springer, 65-82.
11. Tal, A. 2014. Natural Heritage: Leisure Services in Israel's National Parks, Forests and Nature Reserves, Inside Israel: Israeli Life and Leisure in the 21st Century, (Leitern, M. Ed.), Urbana IL, Sagamore, 307-322
12. Futran Fuhrman, V., Tal, A., Abed-Rabbo, A., el-Khateeb, N., Gordon-Kirsch, N., Godinger, T., Odeh, W., Arnon, S., 2016. Trumped By Traditional Hazards EDC Exposure from Recycled Wastewater Compared to Other Water Related Risks In Developed and Developing Nations, in Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: Occurrence, Exposures and Health Risks, (Nadya Gotsiridze-Columbus, ed.), Hauppauge, NY, Nova Science Publishers.
13. Tal, A. 2017. The Evolution of Israeli Water Management: The Elusive Search for Environmental Security, Water Security in the Middle East Essays in Scientific and Social Cooperation, (Cahan, J. ed.) London, Anthem Press, 119-143.
14. Tal, A., 2017. The Land’s Still Small Voice Beckons Us All: Preserving a Collective, Zionist Environmental Ethic, Fragile Dialogue: The New Voices of Liberal Zionism, (Stanley Davids, Larry Englander ed.) New York, CCAR Press, 207-216
15. Tal, A., 2018, “Going, Going, Gone: A History of Israel’s Biodiversity”, At Nature’s Edge, The Global Present and Long-Term History, (Gunnel Cederlöf and Mahesh Rangariajan, ed.) New Delhi, Oxford University Press, 142-161