



The Evens Program in Mediation and Conflict management

at Tel Aviv University


The Evens Program is dedicated to the advancement of knowledge in the theory and practice of mediation and conflict management. In order to achieve these goals, it created two main units: An academic program which grants Master (MA) degree in conflict management and mediation, and a Mediation Center which provides services to the university community (students and staff) as well as to the larger community.


A. The Master (MA) Program in Conflict management and Mediation:


In recent years the importance of conflict managementas an essential subject both for academic research and for professional training has been increasingly recognized.  This trend is evident in the widespread research being published on this subject, in the amount of periodicals devoted to the field, and in the unprecedented flourishing of centers and programs for the study and instruction of conflicts and their management. Needless to say in Israel the subject is endowed with exceptional weight due to the ongoing conflict with its neighbors and the multitude of internal cleavages and disputes.

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