
ד"ר אמיר לופוביץ

Dr. Amir Lupovici is a lecturer (assistant professor) in the Department of Political Science at Tel Aviv University. He received his PhD from the Department of International Relations at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, which was awarded the best PhD dissertation (2008) by the Israeli Political Science Association. Prior to moving to Tel Aviv University Dr. Lupovici was a postdoctoral fellow at the Munk Centre for International Studies at the University of Toronto and at the Davis Institute for International Relations at the Hebrew University. His research interests include International Relations Theory, Constructivism, Cyberspace, Securitization, and Deterrence. His book The Power of Deterrence is forthcoming in Cambridge University Press. His previous publications have appeared in, among others, International Studies Quarterly, Review of International Studies, International Studies Review, International Studies Perspectives, and Foreign Policy Analysis. Dr. Lupovici recently received two grants from ICRC – Blavatnik Interdisciplinary Cyber Research Center for projects in the area of cyber security.


ד"ר מאיה שיאון

Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu is an adjunct professor at the European Forum and at the Public Policy School at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and in the European Studies program at Tel Aviv University.

Since 2020 she is the Director of Program on Israel – Europe Relations at Mitvim, The Israeli Institute for Regional Foreign Policies.

She has a PhD in European Studies and Political Science (Comparative Politics) in the field of differentiated integration, comparing all case studies of opt-outs. She holds a BA in International Relations and MA in Public Policy, Administration and Law, specializing in European Affairs.

Maya won the European Commission Jean Monnet Module competitive grant, was a visiting doctoral student at the Vrije University Brussels and a post-doctoral fellow at the European Forum. In addition, she was a Junior Research Fellow at the Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, Vienna and was a Research Fellow at the Institute for Policy and Strategy, the Interdisciplinary Center Herzliya.

Maya Sion-Tzidkiyahu is a member of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration (IASEI) Executive Committee since 2005, and was it's Co-President between 2016-2021.


פרופ' אנגלוס גיאנקופולוס

Angelos Giannakopoulos is an adjunct professor of Sociology at Dortmund University and a Heinrich-Heine Visiting Professor and DAAD-Lecturer in European Studies at Tel Aviv University. He was a Professor of Sociology at Bahcesehir University in Istanbul and a Visiting Professor at several universities in Cyprus, Istanbul, Budapest, etc. He was a visiting scholar at Yale University, USA, and Waseda University in Tokio, Japan. He was research fellow at several research institutions such as the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Washington D.C., USA. In the period 2006-2014 he headed the office of two major EU-founded projects on anti-corruption and citizenship in Europe at the University of Konstanz. He did his post-doctorate (habilitation) at the University of Dortmund, his Ph.D. in sociology at the University of Tübingen, and his Masters in political science at the University of Athens. His fields of research and teaching include different aspects of European integration, sociology of knowledge and culture, political sociology, modernisation, corruption and anti-corruption, empirical methods of social research. He has extensively published in his fields of interest


פרופ' אלברטו ספקטרובסקי

Prof Alberto Spektorowski is a lecturer in comparative politics and political theory in the Political Science Dpt at Tel Aviv University.

He has lectured in Columbia University in New York ,  Notre Dame University in Indiana and the University of the Basque country in Spain.

Prof Spektorowski has published widely on eugenics and politics, the theory of fascism, populism,the Radical Right and the Nouvelle Droite. 

His last book The Politics of Eugenics ( Routledge, 2013) and his articles on Comparative Political Studies, Journal of Political Ideologies etc are widely cited by experts.

Out of the academic activity Prof Alberto Spektorowski is one of the leading figures of the International Contact Group, that facilitated the end of violence and democratization in the Basque country, Spain.


ד"ר טל שדה

Tal Sadeh

I am a senior lecturer at the Department of Political science of Tel Aviv University.

I hold a PhD in International Relations and an MA degree in Economics, both from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

My research and teaching interests include international political economy, and the political economy of the EU, in particular the single currency and EU-Israeli relations, as well as international institutions and governance structures.

I published a book on Sustaining European Monetary Union and I have published articles and edited special issues in leading academic journals.

In 2013-15 I was Co-President of the Israeli Association for the Study of European Integration. In 2012-2014 I was head of the Harold Hartog School of Government and Policy at Tel Aviv University. In recent years I also held executive positions in the European Union Studies Association and in Israeli Association for International Studies.


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