הזדקנות נורמליתאו אופטימלית?

02 בינואר 2023, 15:00 
הזדקנות נורמליתאו אופטימלית?

Normal or Optimal Aging?

Prof. Josef Coresh

John's Hopkins University

Some have argued that age related decline is normal and inevitable. Many biological processes related to aging have been documented. Likewise, many disease processes progress with age in the majority of individuals. However, it is unclear to what extent these two are inevitably linked and what implications that has for the health of older individuals and populations. If we accept that what is common is normal then we need to get ready to be blind, deaf, and have dementia, hypertension, a failing heart, brittle bones, and weak muscles. In fact, the majority of individuals in Western Societies who reach advanced age are at very high risk of all of these conditions. However, Professor Coresh will make the case that declines in heart, kidney and brain function are related to vascular disease processes, suggesting strategies for prevention and treatment to achieve optimal aging. He will review examples of societies where what may seem in an inevitable rise in blood pressure with age does not occur. Likewise he will review evidence from existing studies about extensive benefit of primary, secondary and tertiary prevention of treatments offered at older age. He will focus on the many outcomes connected to vascular health. Finally, he will provide an overview of some ongoing studies to delay cognitive decline and achieve more optimal aging.

The lecture will be held in English

The seminar will take place on Monday, January 2nd, 15:00  via zoom:


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