פרופ' שושנה [שושי] שילה

אמריטוס בביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה
ביה"ס למדעי הפסיכולוגיה אמריטוס
פרופ' שושנה [שושי] שילה
טלפון פנימי: 03-6408973
פקס: 03-6423422
משרד: שרת, 231

Short Biography

Prof. Shoshana Shiloh received her Ph.D. in Tel Aviv University in 1984 and completed her postdoctoral training at Boston University. She has been a faculty member in the Department of Psychology since 1990, and a visiting scientist at the Institute of Social Research, University of Michigan (1992-3), at the Social and Behavioral Research Branch of the National Human Genome Research Institute, National Institutes of Health (2005-6) and at the Department of Population Health, New York University School of Medicine (2013-14). Prof. Shiloh has served in several national and international committees on Health Psychology issues, and is an associate editor in the journal Psychology & Health.

Fields of Interest

Health psychology: Psychological aspects of genetic counseling and testing; individual differences in coping styles and responses to health conditions; health behaviors; the psychology of physical injuries; psychological aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Selected Publications

Shiloh, S., Peleg, S. & Nudelman, G. (2022). The contribution of dispositional resilience and risk factors to explaining psychological distress during the COVID-19 pandemic. Psychology, Health & Medicine.

Shiloh, S., Peleg, S. & Nudelman, G. (2021). Vaccination against COVID-19: A longitudinal trans-theoretical study to determine factors that predict intentions and behavior. Annals of Behavioral Medicine.

Shiloh, S., Peleg, S. & Nudelman, G. (2021). Adherence to COVID-19 Protective Behaviors: A Matter of Cognition or Emotion? Health Psychology. 40(7), 419-427. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/hea0001081

Shiloh, S., Peleg, S. & Nudelman, G. (2021). Making sense of COVID-19: A longitudinal investigation of the initial stages of developing illness representations. Psychology & Health, DOI: 10.1080/08870446.2021.1925670.

Heruti, I., Levy, S., Deutscher, D., Gutvirtz, M., Berkovitz, T., & Shiloh, S. (2021). Comparisons between ill and injured patients’ outcomes: Suppression-effects of emotional representations. International Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28:3, 393-400. DOI 10.1007/s12529-020-09931-3.

Shiloh, S. & Nudelman, G. Exploring Dimensions of Health Behaviors’ Representations. (2020). Psychology & Health, 35:8, 1017-1032.

Shiloh, S., Levy, S., Heruti, I., & Avitzur, R. (2020). Health-related quality of life after injury: examining the roles of perceived daily-life stress and injury perceptions. Quality of Life Research, 29, 3053–3063.

Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S. (2019). The centrality of health behaviors: A network analytic approach. British Journal of Health Psychology, 24 , 215-236.

Shiloh, S., Heruti, I., Diamis, A., Deutscher, D., Gutvirtz, M., & Berkovitz, T. (2018). The role of centrality to self-concept in moderating the associations between injury perceptions and outcomes. Psychology & Health, 33, 1519-1536.

Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S. (2016). Understanding the Health Behavior Taxonomy: Identifying constructs that differentiate between clusters of health behaviors. Psychology & Health, 31, 1375-1390.

Shiloh, S., Drori, E., Peleg, S., Banai, S. & Finkelstein, A. (2016). Mediation and Moderation of the Effects of Watching an Angiography Screen on Patients. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 31, 509-523.

Nudelman, G., & Shiloh, S. (2015). Mapping health behaviors: Constructing and validating a health behavior taxonomy. Social Science & Medicine, Special Issue, 1-10.

Shiloh, S., deHeer, D, Peleg, S, Skapinsky, K., Roberts, S, Hadley, DW. (2015). The Impact of Multiplex Genetic Testing on Disease Risk Perceptions. Clinical Genetics, 87, 117–123.

Shiloh, S. & Heruti, I., Leichtentritt, R. (2014). A Common-Sense Model of Injury Perceptions. Journal of Health Psychology, Online before print November 28, 2014, doi: 10.1177/1359105314557876.

Shiloh, S., Dagan, E., Friedman, I., Blank, N. and Friedman, E. A. (2013). Follow-up study on men tested for BRCA1/BRCA2 mutations: Impacts and coping processes. Psycho-Oncology, 22( 2), 417-425.

Shiloh, S., Wade, C.H., Roberts, J.S., Hensley Alford, S. and Biesecker, B.B. (2013). Associations between risk perceptions and worry about common diseases: A between- and within-subjects examination. Psychology & Health, 28(4), 434-449.

Shiloh, S., Wade, C.H., Roberts, J.S., Hensley Alford, S. and Biesecker, B.B. (2013). On averages and peaks: how do people integrate information about multiple diseases to reach a decision about multiplex genetic testing? Medical Decision Making, 33, 71–77.

Shiloh, S. Heruti, I. And Berkovitz, T.  (2011). Attitudes towards people with disabilities caused by illness or injury: Beyond physical impairment. International Journal of Rehabilitation Research, 34, 321–329.

Shiloh, S. (2010). An experimental investigation of the effects of acknowledging false negative and false positive errors on clients’ cancer screening intentions: the lesser of two evils. Applied Psychology: Health and Well-Being, 2, 204–221.

Shiloh, S., Drori, E., Orr-Urtreger, A., Friedman, E. (2009). Being 'at-risk' for developing cancer: Cognitive representations and psychological outcomes. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 32, 197-208.

Shiloh, S., Jenkins, J., Martin, J., Koehly, L. and Hadley, D. (2008). Monitoring coping style moderates emotional reactions to genetic testing for Hereditary Nonpolyposis Colorectal Cancer: A longitudinal study. Psycho-Oncology, 17, 746-755.   

Shiloh, S., Gerad, L., and Goldman, B. Patients' information needs and decision-making processes: what can be learned from genetic counselees? (2006). Health Psychology, 25, 211-219.

Shiloh, S. (2006). Illness representations, self-regulation, and genetic counseling: A theoretical review. Journal of Genetic Counseling, 15, 325-337.

Shiloh, S. and Ilan, S. (2005). To test or not to test? Moderators of the relationship between women's breast cancer risk perceptions and their interests in predictive genetic testing. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 28, 467-479.

Shiloh, S., Zukerman, G., Butin, B., Deutch, A., Yardeni, I., Benyamini Y. and Beilin, B. (2003). Postoperative patient controlled analgesia (PCA): How much control and how much analgesia? Psychology & Health, 18, 753-770.

Shiloh, S., Ben-Sinai, R. and Keinan, G. (1999). Effects of controllability, predictability, and information-seeking style on interest in predictive genetic testing. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 25, 1187-1195.

Shiloh, S., Petel, Y., Papa, M. and Goldman, B. (1998). Motivations, perceptions and interpersonal differences associated with interest in genetic testing for breast cancer susceptibility among women at high and average risk. Psychology & Health, 13, 1071-1086.     

Shiloh, S., Mahlev, U., Dar, R. and Ben-Rafael, Z. (1998). Interactive effects of viewing a contraction monitor and information-seeking style on reported childbirth pain. Cognitive Therapy and Research, 22, 501-516.

Shiloh, S. Genetic counseling: A new area of interest for psychologists. (1996). Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 27, 475-486.

Shiloh, S., Reznik, H., Bat-Miriam - Katznelson, M. and Goldman, B. (1995). Pre-marital genetic counseling to consanguineous couples: Attitudes, beliefs, and decisions among  counselled, non-counselled and unrelated couples in Israel. Social Science & Medicine, 41,1301-1310.

Shiloh, S., Avdor, O., and Goodman, R.M. (1990). Satisfaction with genetic counseling: dimensions and measurement. American Journal of Medical Genetics, 37, 522‑529.

Shiloh, S. and Saxe, L. (1989). Perception of recurrence risks by genetic counselees. Psychology and Health, 3, 45‑61.


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