פרופ' אתי סנד

סגל אקדמי בכיר במדיניות ציבורית
מדיניות ציבורית סגל אקדמי בכיר
פרופ' אתי סנד
טלפון פנימי: 03-6407335
משרד: נפתלי, 063

Curriculum Vitae



1983-1985       Tel Aviv University                 Political Science                      Magna Cum

                        Tel Aviv, Israel                        and Philosophy                        Laude B.A.

1986-1989       University of Rochester           Political Science                      M.A.

                        Rochester, New York

1989-1990       University of Rochester           Political Science                      Ph. D.

                        Rochester, New York

Title of Dissertation:   “A Political Theory of Rights.”

Committee:                  William H. Riker (Chair), Randall L. Calvert, David L. Weimer


Academic Positions

1987-1989       University of Rochester                       Instructor

1990-1991       Washington University in St. Louis      Post Doctoral fellow

1991-1996       Tel Aviv University                             Lecturer

1993-1996       Haifa University                                  Visiting Lecturer

1994-1999       Washington University in St. Louis      Visiting Associate Professor

1996-1999       Tel Aviv University                             Senior Lecturer with Tenure

1999-2004       Washington University in St. Louis      Associate Professor

2000-2012      The Center for New Institutional           Director

                        Social Sciences at Washington

                        University in St. Louis            

2004-2015       Washington University in St. Louis      Professor

2004-2007       Washington University in St. Louis      Chair, Department of Political Science

2016 -              Washington University                        Professor Emeritus

2013 -              Tel Aviv University                             Professor

2014 - 2017     Tel Aviv University                             Chair, Department of Public Policy

2015 -              Tel Aviv University                             Head, The Boris Mints Institute for

                                                                                     Strategic Policy Solutions to Global Challenges

2015 Spring     Science Po Lille                                  Visiting Scholar in Residence

2015 Fall          University of Vienna                          Visiting Scholar in Residence

2016 -              Tel Aviv Universtiy                             Founding Head of the School of Socal Studies

2016 Fall          St. Gallen University                          Visiting Scholar in Residence

2017 Summer   UC Irvine                                           Scholar in Residence

2017 Fall          St. Gallen University                         Visiting Scholar in Residence

2018 Fall          St. Gallen University                         Visiting Scholar in Residence

2018 Fall          Moscow State University                  Visitng Scholar in Residence

2019 Fall          University of Bologna                        ISA Visiting Fellow 2019

2019 Fall          St. Gallen University                         Visiting Scholar in Residence

2020 August    Tel Aviv University                             Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences


1. J. Knight and I. Sened [Eds.] 1995.  Explaining Social Institutions, Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press.

2. I. Sened. 1997. The Political Institution of Private Property.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

3. G. Doron and I. Sened. 2001. Political Bargaining: Theory Practice and Process.  London: Sage Publications.  

4. N. Schofield and I. Sened. 2006. Multiparty Democracies: Parties, Elections, Coalitions and Legislative Politics in Parliamentary Democracies. New York: Cambridge University Press

5. Sebastian Galliani and Itai Sened [Eds.] 2014. Economic Institutions, Rights, Growth, and Sustainability: The Legacy of Douglass North. New York: Cambridge University Press.


Edited Special Issues of Scientific Journals

1. G. Doron and I. Sened (Ed.) “Coalition Theory and Political Bargaining,” a special issue of The Journal of  Theoretical Politics, Vol. 7, No. 3, 1995.   

Refereed and Solicited Publications

1       S. Mishal D. Schmeidler and I. Sened. 1990. “Israel and the PLO: A Game with Differencial Information,” in Tatsuro Ichiich, Abraham Neyman and Yair Tauman (Eds.): Proceedings of the International Conference on Game Theory and Applications, 1987.  Academic Press.

2    .   T. J. Feddersen, I. Sened and Stephen G. Wright. 1990. “Rational Voting and Candidate Entry Under Plurality Rule,” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 34, No. 4: 1005-1016.

3.       W. H. Riker and I. Sened. 1991. “A Political Theory of the Origin of Property Rights,” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 35, No. 4: 951-969.

     - Reprinted in Alston L. J., T. Eggertsson and D. C. North (Eds.) Empirical Studies in Institutional Change, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1995. 

4.       I. Sened. 1991. “Contemporary Theory of Institutions in Perspective.” The Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 3, No. 4: 379-402.

5.       S. H. Ainsworth and I. Sened. 1993: “The Role of Lobbyists: Entrepreneurs with Two            Audiences,” American Journal of Political Science, Vol. 37, No. 3: 834-866.

6.       I. Sened. 1994. "Contemporary Political Science," Ha'Encyclopedia Ha'Ivrit, Suplement Update Volume 3 (in Hebrew).

7.       I. Sened. 1995: “Equilibria in Weighted Voting Games With Side-payments,” The Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol. 7, No. 3: 283-300.

8 .      I. Sened. 1995.  “A Political Theory of the Evolution of Rights: A Game Theoretic Approach,” in Jack Knight and Itai Sened (Eds.): Explaining Social Institutions. Ann Arbor: Michigan University Press.

9.       G. Doron and I. Sened. 1995: “Cooperative and Non-Cooperative Bargaining Models in Political Science,” The Journal of Theoretical Politics,Vol.7, No 3: 235-243.

10.     I. Sened. 1996: “A Model of Coalition Formation: Theory and Evidence,” The Journal of Politics, Vol. 58, No. 2: 370-392.

11.      I. Sened and W.H. Riker. 1996: “Common Property and Private Property: The Case of Air Slots,” The Journal of Theoretical Politics, Vol 8, No. 4: 427-47.

12.      N. Schofield, I. Sened and D. Nixon. 1998. “Nash Equilibria in Multiparty Competition With ‘Stochastic’ Voters” Annals of Operations Research, Vol 84: 3-27.

13.      I. Sened. 1999. “Ingegneria Istituzionale” (“Institutional Engeneering”) Politeia Anno XV, No 53: pp. 13-31 (in Italian).

14.      D. Nachmias and I. Sened. 1999. “The Bias of Pluralism:  The Redistributional Effects of the New Electoral Law in Israel’s 1996 Election” in Asher Arian and Michal Shamir [Eds.]  The Elections in Israel 1996, SUNY Press.

      Translated and published in Hebrew. Jerusalem: Israeli Democratic Institute.

15.      I. Sened. 2000. “Coalitions,” in Encyclopedia of Democratic Thought, Paul Barry and Joe Foweraker (Eds.). Hampshire: Routledge.

16.      D. Nachmias and I. Sened 2001: “Coalitions and Public Policy,” Israel Affairs, Vol. 7 (4): 315-30.  

       Reprinted in Nachmias and Ben-Menahem [Eds.] Public Policy in Israel, London: Frank Cass.

17.       N. Schofield and I. Sened. 2002 "Local Nash Equilibrium in Multi Party Politics" The Annals of Operation Research.  Vol. 109: 193-211.

18.       I. Sened. 2003. “Coalitions and Social Choice,” in The Encyclopedia of Social Choice, C.K. Roweley and F. Schnieder Eds.  Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

19.      I. Sened. 2003. “On the Social Contract,” CaucasUS Context, Vol. 1: 51-64.

20.      I. Sened. 2003. "The Political Institution of Private Property," in Geoffrey M. Hudgson   Ed. Recent Developments in Institutional Economics, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. 

21.       I. Sened. 2003. “Due Process in National Budgeting as a Substitute for Economic ‘Miracles.’” In R. Nathanson and I. Hertzog [Eds.], How do we get out? Jerusalem: The Israeli Institute for Economic Research.

22.      D. Giannetti and I. Sened. 2004. “Party Competition and Coalition Formation: Italy 1994-1996,” Journal of Theoretical Politics. Vol. 16: 483-515

23.       Bianco, William .T.  Ivan Jeliazkov and Itai Sened. 2004. “The Uncovered Set and the Limits of Leg-islative Action" Political Analysis, Vol 12: 256-76.

24.       N. Schofield and I. Sened. 2004. “Multiparty competition in Israel: 1988-1996." British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 35 635-663.

25.       N. Schofield and I. Sened. 2005. “Modelling the Ineraction of Parties, Activists and Voters: Why is the Political Center Empty?” European Journal of Political Research, 44: 355-390.

26.       W.T. Bianco and I. Sened. 2005. “Uncovering Conditional Party Government: Re-assessing the Evidence for Party Infuence in Congress and State Legislatures" American Political Science Review, Vol 99: 361-372.

27.        W.T. Bianco, M. Lynch, G. Miller, and I. Sened. 2006. “A Theory Waiting to be Discovered and Used: A Reanalysis of Canonical Experiments on Majority Rule Decision Making" The Journal of Politics, Vol. 68 No. 4 837-850.

28.       W.T. Bianco, Michael S. Lynch, Gary J. Miller, and Itai Sened. 2008. “The Constrained Instability of Majority Rule: Experiments on the Robustness of the Uncovered Set." Political Analysis, Vol. 16: 115-137.

29.       Gyung-Ho Jeong, Gary J. Miller and Itai Sened. 2009. “Closing the Deal: Negotiating Civil Rights Legislation". American Political Science Review, 103 (4): 588-606.

30.       Kam, Christopher William T. Bianco, I. Sened and R. Smyth. 2009. “Ministerial Selection and Intra-Party Organization in the Contemporary British Parliament". American Political Science Review 104(2) 104: 289-306.

31.       Itai Sened, Marshall Thompson, Robert Walker and Ronald Watson. 2010 “The Middle Class: A New Conceptual Framework and a Brief Application to the Caucusus". Journal of Social, Political and Economic Studies, 4(1-2): 124-138, published in English and Russian.

32.       Gyung-Ho Jeong, Gary J. Miller, Camilla Schofield and Itai Sened. 2011 “Cracks in the Opposition: Partisan Realignment in the U.S. Senate Negotiations over Immigra-tion Policy". American Journal of Political Science. 55(3): 511-525.

33.       Regina Smyth, William Bianco, Christopher Kam and Itai Sened. 2011. “Explaining Transitional Representation: The Rise and Fall of Women of Russia". Journal of East European and Asian Studies. 2(1): 137-162.

34.       Michelle Bernard, Michael Craig and Itai Sened. 2012. “Institutions Matter: The Role of Institutions in Wind Energy". In A. Marcus, P. Shrivastava, S. Sharma and S. Pogutz, Eds. Cross-Sector Leadership for the Green Economy Integrating Research and Practice on Sustainable Enterpise.  New York: Palgrave-MacMillan Publishers.

35.       A. Marcus, J. Malen, S. Ellis, I. Drori and Itai Sened. 2012. “Path Dependence and Creation in Clean Tech: An Exploratory Analysis". In A. Marcus, P. Shrivastava, S. Sharma and S. Pogutz, Eds. Cross-Sector Leadership for the Green Economy Integrating Research and Practice on Sustainable Enterpise. New York: PalgraveMacMillan Publishers.

36.       Sened Itai, Marshall Thompson and Robert Walker. 2014. “The State, Property Rights and the Middle Class: A Fresh Start” Indiana Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.

37.       Jeong, Gyung-Ho, William Lowry, Gary Miller and Itai Sened. 2014. “How Preferences Change Institutions: The 1978 Energy Act,” Journal of Politics, Vol. 76(2): 430-45.

38.       Sened, Itai and Ron Watson. 2014. “The Economic Theories of the State.” Encyclopedia of Political Thought. Michael Gibbons, Ed. West Sussex: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

39.      William Bianco, Christopher Kam Itai Sened and Regina Smyth 2015. “The Uncovered Set and Its Applications” In Nicholas Miller Ed. Elgar Handbook of Social Choice and Voting Forthcoming

40.      Jacob Bower-Bir, William Bianco, Nicholas D’Amico, Christopher Kam Itai Sened and Regina Smyth. 2015. “Predicting majority rule: Evaluating the uncovered set and the strong point” Journal of Theoretical Politics.  Vol 27, Issue 4: 650 – 672.

41.      Bianco, William T. Kam, Cristopher, Itai Sened and Regina Smyth. 2016. “The Uncovered Set and Its Applications in Elgar Handbook of Social Choice and Voting. Jac Heckelman and Nicholas Miller, eds., Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishers.

42.      Lahat, Lihi and Itai Sened. 2019. "Is it Time for a Time Policy? Time and Well-Being An Institutional, Comparative Perspective", Journal of European Social Policy. Forthcoming

Book Reviews

1.     I. Sened. 1998. Review of Utilitarianism, Institutions and Justice. By James Wood. American Political Science Review, Vol. 98(4): 928.

2.     I. Sened. 2000. Review of Institutions and Economic Theory: The Contribution of The New Institutional Economics, By Eirik G. Furubotn and Rudolf Richter. Journal of Economic Literature, Vol. XXXVIII: 1721-2.

3.     I. Sened. 2009. Review of Disposing Dictators, Demystifying Voting Paradoxes: Social Choice Analysis. By Donald G. Saari. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2008. Perspectives on Politics: Vol. 7/No. 3 703-704.

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