פרופ' נח לוין אפשטיין

אמריטוס בחוג לסוציולוגיה ואנתרופולוגיה
חוג לסוציולוגיה ואנתרופולוגיה אמריטוס
פרופ' נח לוין אפשטיין
טלפון פנימי: 03-6409271
משרד: נפתלי, 623

מידע כללי

Ph.D., Chicago 1982


תחומי מחקר

עבודה ושוק העבודה, ריבוד ומוביליות חברתית, סקרים

Selected Publications


Y. Peled, N. Lewin-Epstein, Guy Mundlak and J.L. Cohen (eds.)
Democratic Citizenship and War.
Oxon, U.K.: Routledge, 2011 


A. Levanon and N. Lewin-Epstein

"Grounds For Citizenship: Public Attitudes In Comparative Prespective"

Social Science Research 39, 2010, pp. 419-431.



M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

"The Declining Racial Earnings' Gap In the United States: Multi Level Analysis Of Male Earnings 1960 - 2000"

Social Science Research 38, 2009, pp. 296-311.


Lewin-Epstein, N., L. Kadish, and A. Oren
“Preferred working hours: variations across time and space”

Pp. 431-450 in M. Haller, R. Jowell and T. Smith (eds.) The International Social Survey Programme, 1984-2009: Charting the Globe. Oxon, U.K.: Routledge, 2009.


M. Braun, N. Lewin Epstein, H. Stier and M. K. Baumgartner

"Perceived Equity In the Gendered Division Of Household Labor"

Journal of Marriage and Family 70, 2008, pp. 1145-1156.


Shavit, Y.,  N. Lewin-Epstein and I. Adler

"Instant absorption of immigrants and persistent exclusion of Arab citizens in Israel," 
Pp. 321-358 in A.F. Heath and S.Y. Cheung (eds.) Unequal Chances: Ethnic Minorities in Western Labour Markets.  Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2007.


Lewin-Epstein, H. Stier and M. Braun

“Division of Household Labor in Germany and Israel”

Journal of Marriage and Family 68, 2006, pp. 1147-1168.


Iris Jerby, M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

“On Measures of Occupational Segregation: Statistical and Conceptual Considerations”

Sociological Methods and Research 34(4), 2006, pp.573-586.



I. Adler, N. Lewin-Epstein and Y. Shavit

“Ethnic Stratification and Place of Residence in Israel: A Truism Revisited”

Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 23, 2005, pp. 155-190.


Iris Jerby, M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

"Capturing gender-based micro-segregation: A modified ratio index for comparative analysis"

Sociological Methods and Research 34(1), 2005, pp. 122-136.



Lewin-Epstein, N., I. Adler, and Y. Semyonov

"Home ownership and social inequality in Israel"

Pp. 338-364 in Karin Kurz and Hans-Peter Blossfeld (eds.) Home Ownership and Social Inequality in Comparative Perspective. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2004.



M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein (eds.)

Stratification in Israel: Class, Ethnicity and Gender.

Somerset, New Jersey: Transaction Publishers, 2004 (470 pages).



H. Stier and N. Lewin-Epstein

“Time to Work: A Comparative Analysis of Preferences for Working Hours”

Work and Occupations 30(3), 2003, pp. 302-326.



N. Lewin-Epstein, M. Semyonov, Irena Kogan, and Richard Wanner

"Institutional Structure and Immigrant Integration: A Comparative Study of Immigrants' Labor Market Attainment in Canada and Israel"

International Migration Review 37(2), 2003, pp. 389-420.



M. Semyonov, N. Lewin-Epstein and E. Davidov

“Period and Duration Effects on the Value of Housing among Immigrants”

Social Science Research 32, 2003, pp. 2-24.



N. Lewin-Epstein, A. Kaplan and A. Levanon

“Distributive Justice and Attitudes toward the Welfare State”

Social Justice Research 16(1), 2003, pp. 1-27.



Semyonov, M. and N. Lewin-Epstein

“Immigration and Ethnicity in Israel: Returning Diaspora and Nation Building”

Rainer Muentz and Rainer Ohliger (eds.) Diasporas and Ethnic Migrant: German, Israel and Post-Soviet Successor States in Comparative Perspective. London: Frank Cass, 2002.



M. Amir, N. Lewin-Epstein, G. Becker and D. Buskila

“Psychometric Properties of the SF-12 (Hebrew Version) in a Primary Care Population in Israel”

Medical Care 40(10), 2002, pp. 918-928.



Y. Elmelech and N. Lewin-Epstein

"The Housing Market, Government Policy and Inequality among Immigrants of the 1950s and 1960s – Reply to E. Borochov"

Megamot Vol. 41(4), 2002, pp. 628-632 (Hebrew).



A. H. Sa’di and N. Lewin-Epstein

"Mionority Labour Force Participation In the Post-Fordist Era: The Case Of Arabs In Israel" 

Work, Employment and Society 15(4), 2001, pp. 781-802.



M. Semyonov, N. Lewin-Epstein and A. Yom-Tov

“Metropolitan labor markets, peripheral labor markets and socio-economic outcomes among immigrants to Israel”

International Migration 39(3), 2001, pp.99-119.



H. Stier, N. Lewin-Epstein, and M. Braun.

Welfare Regimes, Family Supportive Policies, and Women's Employment Along A Life Course"

American Journal of Sociology 106(6), 2001.



M. Semyonov and N. Lewin-Epstein

“The Impact of Parental Transfers on Living Standards of Married Children”

Social Indicators Research, 54, 2001, pp. 115-137.



N. Lewin-Epstein, H. Stier, M. Braun and B. Langfeldt

"Family Policy and Public Attitudes in Germany and Israel"

European Social Review, 16, 2000, pp. 385-401.



N. Lewin-Epstein and M. Semyonov

"Migration, Ethnicity and Inequality: Homeownership In Israel"

Social Problems, 47, 2000, pp. 425-444.



M. Semyonov, Y. Haberfeld, Y. Cohen and N. Lewin Epstein

"Racial Composition and Occupational Segregation and Inequality Across American Cities"

Sicial Science Research, 29, 2000, pp. 175-187.



N. Lewin-Epstein

"Family and Stratification: Patterns of Inequality Reproduction in Israel," 

pp. 121-145, in Menachem Mautner (Ed.), Distributive Justice in Israel. Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2000 (Hebrew).



Lewin-Epstein, N and M. Semyonov

"Immigration and Stratification in Israel," 

pp. 95-105 in Hanna Herzog (ed.), Reflection of a Society. Tel-Aviv: Ramot, 2000 (Hebrew). 



N. Lewin-Epstein, Y. Elmelech, and M. Semyonov

“Ethnic Inequality in Home-Ownership and the Value of Housing: The Case of Immigrants to Israel,”

Social Forces, Vol. 75(4), 1997, pp. 1439-62.



N. Lewin-Epstein and M. Semyonov

“Sheltered Labor Markets, Public Sector Employment, and Socioeconomic Returns to Education of Arabs in Israel,”

American Journal of Sociology, 100, 1994, pp. 622-51.





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