Mandel Hadas and Moshe Semyonov. 2005. “Family Policies, Wage Structures, and the Gender Gaps: Sources of Earnings Inequality in 20 Countries”. American Sociological Review,70 (6):949–967.
Mandel Hadas and Moshe Semyonov. 2006. “A Welfare State Paradox: State Interventions and Women’s Employment Opportunities in 22 Countries”. American Journal of Sociology, 111(6):1910-49.
Mandel Hadas and Shalev Michael. 2009. “How Welfare States Shape the Gender Pay Gap: A Theoretical and Comparative Analysis”. Social Forces, 87(4): 1873-1912.
Mandel Hadas and Shalev Michael. 2009. “Gender, Class, and the Varieties of Capitalism Perspective”. Social Politics, 16(2): 161-181.
Stier Haya and Hadas Mandel. 2009. “Inequality in the Family: The Institutional Aspects of Women’s Earning Contribution”. Social Science Research 38: 594–608.
Mandel Hadas. 2009. “Configurations of Gender Inequality: The Consequences of Ideology and Public Policy”. The British Journal of Sociology 60(4): 693-719.
Mandel Hadas. 2011. “Rethinking the Paradox: Tradeoffs in Work-family Policy and Patterns of Gender Inequality”. Community, Work & Family 14(2): 159 – 176.
Mandel Hadas. 2012. “Winners and Losers: The Consequences of Welfare State Policies for Gender Wage Inequality”. European Sociological Review 28 (2): 241–262.
Mandel Hadas. 2012. “Occupational Mobility of American Women: Compositional and Structural Changes”. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 30 (1): 5- 16.
Mandel Hadas. 2013. “Up the Down Staircase: Women’s Upward Mobility and the Wage Penalty for Occupational Feminization, 1970-2007”. Social Forces 91 (4): 1183-1207.
Mandel Hadas. 2014. “Family Policy, Wives’ Contribution to Family Income, and Diversity among Women.” Pp. 485-507, in: Treas Judith, Jacqueline Scott and Martin Richards (eds.), The Sociology of Families, Wiley-Blackwell Press.
.Mandel Hadas and Moshe Semyonov. 2014. “Gender Pay Gap and Employment Sector: Sources of Earnings Disparities in the U.S., 1970-2010”. Demography, 51:1597–1618
Mandel Hadas. 2016. “The Role of Occupational Attributes in Gender Earnings Inequality, 1970-2010”. Social Science Research, 55: 122-138.
Mandel Hadas and Debora P. Birgier. 2016. “The Gender Revolution in Israel: Progress and Stagnation.” Pp. 153-184 in Socioeconomic Inequality in Israel: A Theoretical and Empirical Analysis, edited by Nabil Khattab, Sami Miaari and Stier Haya. New York: Palgrave Macmillan Press.
Mandel Hadas and Moshe Semyonov. 2016. “Going Back in Time? Gender Differences in Trends and Sources of the Racial Pay Gap, 1970-2010”. American Sociological Review, 81(5): 1039-1068.
Mandel, Hadas. 2018. “A Second Look at the Process of Occupational Feminization and Pay Reduction in Occupations”. Demography, 55(2): 669-690.
Mandel, Hadas, Amit Lazarus and Maayan Shaby. 2020. “Economic Exchange or Gender Identities? Housework Division and Wives’ Economic Dependency in Different Contexts”. European Sociological Review, 36(6): 831-851.
Mandel, Hadas and Amit Lazarus. 2021. “Contextual Effects on the Gendered Division of Housework: A Cross-Country and Cross-Time Analysis”. Sex Roles, 85(3): 205-220.
Mandel, Hadas and Moshe Semyonov. 2021. “The Gender-Race Intersection and the ‘Sheltering-effect’ of public-sector employment”. Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, 71: 100581.
Mandel, Hadas and Assaf Rotman. 2021. “Revealing the Concealed Effect of Top Earnings on the Gender Gap in the Economic Value of Higher Education in the United States, 1980–2017”. Demography, 58(2): 551–570.
Yaish, Mair, Hadas Mandel and Tali Kristal. 2021. “Has the Economic Lockdown Following the Covid-19 Pandemic Changed the Gender Division of Labor in Israel?” Gender & Society, 35(2): 256-270.
Mandel, Hadas and Assaf Rotman. 2022. "The Stalled Gender Revolution and the Rise of Top Earnings in the United States, 1980 to 2017". Sociological Science, 9: 136-158.
Forman-Rabinovici, Aliza and Hadas Mandel. 2022. “The Prevalence and Implications of Gender Blindness in Quantitative Political Science Research”. Politics & Gender, 19(2), 482-506.
Rotman, Assaf and Hadas Mandel. 2022. “Gender-Specific Wage Structure and the Gender Wage Gap in the U.S. Labor Market”. Social Indicators Research, 165: 585–606.
Lazarus, Amit and Hadas Mandel. 2023. “The Allocation of Housework in Same- and Different-Sex Partnerships: Recent Evidence from the U.S.” Sex Roles.