Cohen, A. A. (Ed.). (2013). Foreign news on television: Where in the world is the global village? New York: Peter Lang.
Cohen, A. A., Lemish. D., & Schejter, A. M. (2008). The wonder phone in the land of miracles: Mobile Telephony in Israel. Cresskill, NJ: The Hampton Press.
Shoemaker, P. & Cohen, A. A. (2006). News Around the World: Content, Practitioners, and the Public. New York: Routledge.
Adoni, H., Caspi, D., & Cohen, A. A. (2006). Media, Minorities and Hybrid Identities: The Arab and Russian Communities in Israel. Cresskill, NJ: The Hampton Press.
Cohen, A. A., Zemach, T., Wilke, J., & Schenk, B. (2002). The Holocaust and the Press: Nazi War-Crimes Trials in Germany and Israel. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press.
Cohen, A. A., Levy, M. R., Gurevitch, M. and Roeh, I. (1996). Global Newsrooms, Local Audiences: A Study of the Eurovision News Exchange. London: John Libbey.
Wilke, J., Schenk, B., Cohen, A. A. & Zemach, T. (1995). Holocaust und NS-Prozesse: Die Presseberichterstattung in Israel und Deutschland zwischen Aneignung und Abwehr. (Between Identification and Dissociation: The Holocaust in the Coverage of Nazi War-Crime Trials in the Israeli and German Press). Köln: Böhlau Verlag.
Cohen, A. A. & Wolfsfeld, G. (Eds.), (1993). Framing the Intifada: Media and People. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex.
Cohen, A. A., Adoni H. & Bantz, C. (1990). Social Conflict and Television News. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage Publications.
Cohen, A. A. (1987). The Television News Interview. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications.
Roeh, I., Katz, E., Cohen, A. A. & Zelizer, B. (1980). Almost Midnight: Reforming the Late Night News. Beverly Hills, California: Sage Publications.
Book chapters
Cohen, A. A. (forthcoming). Israelis and Foreign News: A 25-Year follow-Up on interest and perceived functions. In C. M. Liebler, T. P. Vos, & B. W. Gorham (eds.), Media Scholarship in a Transitional Age: Research in Honor of Pamela J. Shoemaker. New York: Peter Lang.
Malka, V., Ariel, Y., Avidar, R., & Cohen, A. A. (forthcoming). Reconceptualizing uses and gratifications vis-à-vis smartphone applications: The case of WhatsApp. In P. Vorderer, D. Hefner, L. Reinecke, & C. Klimmt (eds), Permanently Online, Permanently Connected. London: Routledge.
Cohen, A. A. & Atad, E. (2013). Cosmopolitanism and parochialism in global news networks: The case of CNN International, BBC World News, Al-Jzzeera English, and France 24. In P. Moy (Ed.), Communication and community. Cresskill, NJ: The Hampton Press (23-43).
Cohen, A. A. (2012). Benefits and pitfalls of comparative research on news: Production, content and audiences. In I. Volkmer (Ed.) Handbook of global media research. New York: Wiley-Blackwell (pp. 533-546).
Shoemaker, P., Cohen, A. A. Seo, H. & Johnson, P. (2012). Comparing news on foreign and international affairs. In F. Esser & T. Hanitzsch (Eds.), Handbook of comparative communication research. New York: Routledge (pp. 341-352)
Cohen, A. A. (2010). Desviância e significância social nas notícias televisivas em Portugal e noutros países. In J. F. da Silveira & P. Shoemaker (Eds.), Telejornais em Exame. Lisboa: Edicoes Colibri (pp. 235-252).
Cohen, A. (2008). A desviância e significância social das notícias televisivas em Portugal e noutros países. In J. Silveira & P. Shoemaker (Eds.), Telejornais em exame. Lisbon: Celta (pp. 253-275).
Shoemaker, P. J., Lee, J. H., Han, G. & Cohen, A. A. (2007). Proximity and scope as news values. In E. Devereux (Ed.), Media studies: Key issues and debates. London: Sage (pp. 231-248).
Cohen, A. A. & Lemish, D. (2005). Real time versus survey measures in research on mobile phone use. In S. D. Kim (Ed.), When mobile came. Seoul: Communication Books (pp. 145-163).
Cohen, A. A. & Lemish, D. (2005). When the bombs go off the mobiles ring: The aftermath of terrorist attacks. In K. Nyiri (Ed.) A sense of place. Vienna: Passagen Verlag, (pp. 117-128).
Lemish, D., and Cohen, A. A. (2005). Tell me about your mobile and I’ll tell you who you are: Israelis talk about themselves. In R. Ling & P. Pedersen (Eds.), Mobile Communications: Re-negotiation of the public sphere. London: Springer-Verlag, (pp. 187-202).
Cohen, A. A. (2002). The media and international intervention. In M. Keren & D. Sylvan (Eds.), Dilemmas of international intervention: Sovereignty vs. responsibility. London: Frank Cass (pp. 75-91).
Cohen, A. A. (2002). Globalization Ltd.: Domestication on the boundaries of television news. In J. M. Chan & B. T. McIntyre (Eds.), In Search of Boundaries: Communication, Nation-States and Cultural Identities. Westport, CT: Ablex (pp. 167-180).
Schejter, A. & Cohen, A. A. (2002). Israel: Chutzpah and chatter in the Holy Land. In J. Katz & M. Aakhus (Eds.), Perpetual contact: Mobile communication, private talk and public performance. New York: Oxford University Press (pp. 30-41).
Cohen, A. A. & Wolfsfeld, G. (1995). Overcoming adversity and diversity: The utility of television political advertising in Israel. In L. L. Kaid & C. Holtz-Bacha (Eds.), Political Advertising in Western Democracies: Parties and Candidates on Television. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage (pp. 109-123).
Cohen, A. A. (1993). Between Reality and News: Differential Perception of the War in the Gulf. In B. S. Greenberg & W. Gantz (Eds.), Desert Storm and the Mass Media. Cresskill, N.J.: Hampton Press (pp. 312-322).
Cohen, A. A., Adoni, H. & Nossek, H. (1993). The Intifada as social conflict on television news. In A. A. Cohen & G. Wolfsfeld (Eds.), Framing the Intifada: Media and People. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex (pp. 116-141).
Cohen, A. A. (1993). Intifada voices in Jerusalem. In A. A. Cohen & G. Wolfsfeld (Eds.), Framing the Intifada: Media and People. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex, (pp. 76-92).
Cohen, A. A. & Roeh, I. (1992). When fiction and news cross over the border: Notes on differential readings and effects. In F. Korzenny & S. Ting-Toomey (Eds.), International and Intercultural Communication Annual, Volume 16 (pp. 23-34).
Cohen, A. A. & Adoni, H. (1991). Conflict and reconciliation: Television coverage of Chancellor Kohl's visit to Israel. In K. Hickethier & S. Zielinski (Eds.), Medien/Kultur: Schnittstellen zwischen Medienwissenschaft, Medienpraxis und gesellschafticher Kommunikation. Berlin: Wissenschaftsverlag Volker Spiess (pp. 403-409).
Braman, S. & Cohen, A. A. (1990). Research from start to finish. In J. A. Anderson (Ed.), Mass Communication Yearbook, Volume 13. Newbury Park, CA.: Sage (pp. 511-518).
Cohen, A. A. & Cohen, L. (1989). Big eyes but clumsy fingers: Knowing about and using technological features of home VCRs. In M. Levy (Ed.), The VCR Age, Beverly Hills: Sage (pp. 135-147).
Shinar, D. & Cohen, A. A. (1988). Israel. In P. T. Rosen (Ed.), International Handbook of Broadcasting Systems. New York: Greenwood Press (pp. 147-161).
Cohen, A. A. (1980). The use of hand illustrators in direction giving situations. In W. von Raffler Engel (Ed.), Aspects of Nonverbal Communication. Lisse, the Netherlands: Swets and Zeitlinger (pp. 265 273).
Journal articles
Boudana, S., Frosh, P. & Cohen, A. A. (in press). Reviving icons to death: When historic photographs become digital memes. Media, Culture & Society.
Grebelsky, T. & Cohen, A. A. (2017). Speaking under duress: Visual and verbal elements of personal and political messages in captive videos. Visual Communication, 16(1), 27-56.
Lee, F., de Swert, K. & Cohen, A. A. (2017). Do the contents of foreign news on television match viewers' interests? A 12-nation study of topics and countries of interest. Communication Research, 44(6), 901-925.
Tenenboim, O. & Cohen, A. A. (2015). What prompts users to click and comment: A longitudinal study of online news. Journalism 16(2), 198-217. Doi: 10.1177/1464884913513996
Schejter, A. & Cohen, A. A. (2013). Mobile phone usage as an indicator of solidarity:
Israelis at war in 2006 and 2009. Mobile Media and Communication, 1(2), 174-195.
Wilke, J., Heimprecht, C. & Cohen, A. A. (2012). The geography of foreign news on television: A comparative study of 17 countries. International Communication Gazette, 74(4), 301-322.
Cohen, A. A. (2011). Covering China: Inside and out. Chinese Journal of Communication, 4(3), 251-254.
Cohen, A. A. (2011). Vermo-nos, vendo os outros: Investigação comparative de noticías televisivas. Alicerces: Revista de Investigação, Ciência, Tecnologia e Artes 4(4), 79-90.
Cohen, A. A. (2010). Comparative international news research: Strengths and challenges (Academic Dialogue with Prof. Akiba Cohen). The Chinese Journal of Communication and Society, 13, 1-31.
Wang, T. & Cohen, A. A. (2009). Factors Affecting Viewers’ Perceptions of Sensationalism in Television News: A Survey Study in Taiwan. Issues & Studies, 45(2), 125-157.
Lemish, D. & Cohen, A. A. (2005). On the gendered nature of mobile phone culture in Israel. Sex Roles, 52(7/8), 511-521.
Cohen, A. A. & Lemish, D. (2003). Real Time and Recall Measures of Mobile Phone Use: Some Methodological Concerns and Empirical Applications. New Media and Society, 5(2), 167-184.
Adoni, H., Cohen, A. A. & Caspi, D. (2002). The consumer’s choice: On language, media consumption and hybrid identities of minorities. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research, 27(4), 411-436.
Caspi, D., Adoni, H., Cohen, A. A. & Elias, N. (2002). The red, the white and the blue: Russian media in Israel. Gazette, 64(6), 537-556.
Cohen, A. A. (1998). Between content and cognition: On the impossibility of television news. Communications: European Journal of Communication Research, 23(4), 425-439.
Cohen, A. A. (1996). New needs, new uses and new gratifications in news research. Journal of Behavioral and Social Sciences, 1, 1-10.
Levy, M. R. & Cohen, A. A. ((1995). Eurovision News Exchange: Dinosaur or prototype for the global newsroom. Diffusion: Quarterly Journal of the European Broadcasting Union. Geneva: EBU, Autumn, 4-7.
Witztum, E. & Cohen, A. A. (1994), Uses and abuses of mental health professionals on Israeli Radio during the Gulf War. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, 25(3), 259-267.
Cohen, A. A. (1993). Israelis and Foreign News: Perceptions of Interest, Functions and Newsworthiness. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 37(3), 337-347.
Roeh, I. & Cohen, A. A. (1992). One of the bloodiest days: A comparative analysis of open and closed news. Journal of Communication, 42(2), 42-55.
Cohen, A. A. (1992). Comments on the Global News Agenda. Intermedia, 20(1), 35.
Cohen, A. A. & Roeh, I. (1990 A five-version tale of one jeep, one Palestinian and two Israelis: Some secrets of TV news editing that only comparative viewing might reveal. Feedback, 31(4), 6-12.
Cohen, A. A. & Bantz, C. (1989). Where did we come from and where are we going?: Some future directions in television news research. American Behavioral Scientist, 33, 135-143.
Cohen, A. A. (1989). Answers without questions: A comparative analysis of television news interviews. European Journal of Communication, 4, 435-451.
Cohen, A. A., Levy, M. R. & Golden, K. (1988). Children's Uses and Gratifications of Home VCRs: Evolution or Revolution. Communication Research, 15(6), 772-780.
Broddason, T., Cohen, A. A., Gantz, W. & Greenberg, B. S. (1987). News diffusion of the Palme assassination among journalists in Iceland, Israel and the United States. European Journal of Communication, 2, 211-226.
Cohen, A. A. (1987). Decision‑making in VCR rental libraries: information use and behavior patterns. American Behavioral Scientist, 30, 495-508.
Zemach, T. & Cohen, A. A. (1986). Perceptions of equality between the sexes on television and in social reality. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 30, 427‑444.
Bantz, C. & Cohen, A. A. (1985), Issues in research on television news: Content, cognition and control. Journal of Broadcasting and Electronic Media, 29, 454‑458.
Adoni, G., Cohen, A. A. & Mane, S. (1984). Social reality and television news: Perceptual dimensions of social conflicts in selected life areas. Journal of Broadcasting, 28, 33‑49. (Also reprinted in M. Gurevitch & M. R. Levy (Eds.) (1985). Mass Communication Review Yearbook Volume 5, Beverly Hills: Sage (pp. 189‑204).
Cohen, A. A., Adoni, H. & Drori, G. (1983). Differential perceptions of social conflicts in social reality and television news. Human Communication Research, 10, 203‑225.
Barnett, G. A., Harrison, R. P., Wigand, R. T., Woelfel, J. & Cohen, A. A. (1981). Communication and cultural development: A multidimensional approach. Human Organization, 40.
Cohen, A. A. (1981). People without media: Attitudes and behavior during a general media strike. Journal of Broadcasting, 25, 171‑180.
Cohen, A. A. & Adoni, H. (1980). Children's fear responses to real‑life violence on television: The case of the 1973 Middle East War. International Journal of Communication Research, 6, 81‑94.
Cohen, A. A. & Salomon, G. (1979). Children's literate television viewing Surprises and possible explanations. Journal of Communication, 29, 156‑163.
Adoni, H. & Cohen, A. A. (1978). Television economic news and the social construction of economic reality. Journal of Communication, 28, 61‑70.
Salomon, G. & Cohen, A. A. (1978). On the meaning and validity of television viewing. Human Communication Research, 4, 265‑270.
Salomon, G. & Cohen, A. A. (1977). Television formats, mastery of mental skills and the acquisition of knowledge. Journal of Educational Psychology, 69, 612‑619.
Cohen, A. A. (1977). The communication functions of hand illustrators. Journal of Communication, 27, 54‑63.
Cohen, A. A., Wigand, R. T. & Harrison, R. P. (1977), The effects of type of event, proximity and repetition on children's attention to and learning from television news. International Journal of Communication Research, 3, 30‑46.
Cohen, A. A., Wigand, R. T. & Harrison, R. P. (1976). The effects of emotion arousing events on children's attention to and learning from TV news. Journalism Quarterly, 53, 204‑210.
Dotan, J. & Cohen, A. A. (1976). The uses of mass media in war and peace: Israel 1973‑74. Communication Research, 3, 393‑402.
Cohen, A. A. & Dotan, J. (1976). Communication in the family as a function of stress during war and peace. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 38, 141‑148.
Cohen, A. A. (1976). Radio versus television: The effects of the medium. Journal of Communication, 26, 29‑35.
Cohen, A. A. (1975). Attention to the mass media among straight and split ticket voters. Human Communication Research, 2, 75‑78.
Cohen, A. A., Himmelweit, H. & Bar, H. (1975). The effects of contact on evaluation: reactions of the Israeli public to President Nixon's visit to Israel ‑‑ June, 1974. Communication Research, 2, 163‑172.
Goren, D., Cohen, A. A. & Caspi, D. (1975). Reporting the Yom Kippur War from Israel. Journalism Quarterly, 52, 199‑206.
Cohen, A. A. & Harrison, R. P. (1973). Intentionality in the use of hand illustrators in face‑to‑face communication situations. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 28, 276‑279.
Cohen, A. A. (1973). Number of features and alternatives per feature in reconstructing faces with the Identy‑Kit. Journal of Police Science and Administration, 1, 349‑354.
Harrison, R. P., Cohen, A. A., Crouch, W., Genova, B. & Steinberg, M. (1972). The nonverbal communication literature. Journal of Communication, 22, 460‑476.
Lewin, I. & Cohen, A. A. (1972). Adoption of a new language by immigrants as a function of family size. Bar Ilan Annual, 10, 78‑88.