
The Evens Mediation and Conflict Resolution Center

The Evens Mediation and Conflict Resolution Center

  The UniversityCenter for Mediation operates through the Evens Program in Conflict Resolution and Mediation.  The Center was founded with the objective of providing professional mediation services to individuals, organizations, and communities while basing its practices on theoretical and applied academic research. The Center also provides training opportunities for students and practitioners in the field of mediation. In addition it initiates academic and applied research in the various domains of conflict resolution and mediation at the national and international levels, with the aim of advancing the theoretical and practical knowledge in this field both in Israel and abroad.  



Who Uses Our Services?

The Center offers services to the following groups or individuals:

The campus community – students, faculty and staff
The larger community - neighborhoods, civil-society groups and institutions.
Private individuals – any person who finds himself in a conflict who is interested in obtaining assistance with its resolution
Companies and organizations in the private and public sectors.


What Kind of Conflicts Do We Handle?

Disputes between individuals – colleagues, students, neighbors, business partners
Disputes between social groups – orthodox vs. seculars, Arabs vs. Jews, etc.
Conflicts within organizations – employer/employee, different branches or departments of an organization
Conflicts between organizations – suppliers, customers, competitors, or authorities
Disputes between individuals and authorities – municipalities, government agencies, or other public bodies


How Do We Do It?

Mediation – a process in which an impartial third party (the mediator) creates for the parties in conflict conditions suitable for listening and discussion; provides them with a neutral framework within which they may, in a structured manner, express their positions, define their genuine needs, and formulate appropriate solutions.  The function of the mediator, who has been trained specifically to manage the mediation process, is to assist the parties in reaching an agreement acceptable to both.  The mediation process is a voluntary one, so that during any stage of the process either party may ask to terminate the process, to replace the mediator, or to turn to another method of resolving the conflict.
Arbitration – a process in which a neutral third party resolves the dispute, as would a judge.  Unlike a judge, however, the arbitrator is not subject to much of the procedural and legal formalities, unless so indicated in the arbitration agreement.  The decision of the arbitrator is final and cannot be appealed except in cases where specific circumstances exist, as indicated by the laws of arbitration.
Consensus Building– a process designed for communities and organizations in which the group makes decisions, creates agreements, resolves differences, and implements changes.  All of this is done with the guidance of professionals and using conflict resolution and mediation mechanisms and tools.
Consultation and assistance in conflict management and resolution – a process within which one of the parties involved is assisted by professionals which help that party to study its environment and the different aspects of the conflict, to analyze and assess the situation, detect alternative plans of action, formulate and choose a strategy; assist in early planning of negotiations, role playing, tactical consulting during actual negotiations, and formulating appropriate solutions for the conflict.


What Do You Get Out Of It?

The advantages of the proposed processes:

Avoidance of complex official procedures
Saving money
Saving time
Privacy and confidentiality of the processes and their outcome
Parties maintain control over the process and its outcome
Consideration of all aspects troubling the parties: economic, emotional, legal and environmental
Mutual commitment to upholding the agreement
Conserving the relationship between the parties
Acquiring skills for the independent treatment of future conflicts


Why Turn To Us?

As a body operating within the framework of the university and as part of a prestigious academic program, we are committed to responsibility, professionalism, and to providing a wide scope of services from under one roof.  We see peaceful conflict resolution not only as means to solve particular conflicts, but also as a method with which broad social change may be achieved in the long run.  Our conception of the field is panoptic and comprehensive and motivated by a sense of responsibility towards the future of Israeli society and the quality of life of its citizens.


We offer:

A professional and diverse team of mediators, highly respected and experienced in the field
A gallery of experts – as part of a prestigious academic program, the Center’s resources include the academic and practical knowledge of experts from a wide range of fields, knowledge available to the parties as a resource for the development of effective and professional solutions
A variety of services – the Center offers a wide range of services appropriate to various circumstances and to the diverse natures and demands of the parties
Low cost – the cost of services is determined, among other considerations, also by the financial means of the parties
Evaluation and supervision – your opinion is extremely important to us.  All processes handled by the Center are subject to the evaluation of the parties as to the proficiency of the mediation and to the administration services
Constant improvement – the fruits of the research conducted by the Center and the data base associated with it contributes to the expertise of the professional and administrative staff


Contact Us

We will be happy to answer any questions or provide any information.

Our address: TelAvivUniversity Campus, NaftaliBuilding, Room 730

Telephone: +972 3 640 5995 or +972 3 640 7222

You are also invited to visit the Evens Program website:




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