The Future of Food: Where Science, Policy and Consumers Converge

04 ביולי 2018, 8:30 - 16:00 
בנין נפתלי, אולם אפטר 
The Future of Food:  Where Science, Policy and Consumers Converge

להרשמה >>

08:30-09:30 Registration and Coffee
09:30-09:45 Greetings
  Joseph Klafter, President of Tel Aviv University
Daniel Chamovitz, Dean of the George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University
Nir Ohad, Head of the Manna Center Program for Food Security, Tel Aviv University
09:45-11:25 Food Choices in a World of Plenty
  Moderator: Efrat Oron, Director of Research and Outreach, Manna Center Program for Food Security
9:45-10:15  Food Policy for All: Using Behavioral Nudges to Go Beyond the Average Consumer 
  David R. Just, Susan Eckert Lynch Professor in Science 
and Business, S.C. Johnson College of Business, Cornell 
University, USA 
10:15-10:30 A Journey to Better Health with Microbiome-Based Solutions 
  Amir Golan, Chief Commercial Officer, International, DayTwo
10:30-10:45  Nutrition Policy in an Era of Obesogenic Built Environments 
  Ronit Endevelt, Director, Nutrition Division,  Public Health Services, Israeli Ministry of Health
10:45-11:00  Social Marketing for Healthier Food Choices
  Gitit Bar-On, Department of Communication, Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University
11:00-11:25 Panel Discussion
11:25-11:45 Coffee Break
11:45-13:25 Genetic Engineering: Panacea or Problem 
  Moderator: Nir Ohad, Head of the Manna Center Program for Food Security 
11:45-12:15  Solutions to World Food Security – Available But Not Used
  Kevin M. Folta, Professor and Chairman, Horticultural Sciences Department,  University of Florida, USA
12:15-12:30  GMOs – An Ecological Perspective
  Tamar Dayan, School of Zoology, George S. Wise Faculty of Life Sciences, Tel Aviv University 
12:30-12:45 Israel GMO Regulation Facing New Biotechnologies
  Shlomo Israel, Coordinator of the National Committee for Transgenic Plants (NCTP), Israel Ministry of Agriculture 
12:45-13:00  New Breeding Technologies (NBT) – Point of View of a Global Seed Company 
13:00-13:25  Panel Discussion
13:25-14:10 Lunch
14:10-15:00  Tailoring Global Innovations for Local Solutions
  Moderator: Maya Oren, Program Director, Manna Center Program for Food Security
14:10-14:40  Getting the World's Smallholder Farmers to Make Sustainable Use of Inputs
  Ram Fishman, Department of Public Policy,  Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences, Tel Aviv University
14:55-15:10 Introducing Drip Irrigation Technologies to Smallholder Farmers in Africa – The Challenges of Sustainability and Adoption
  Tammy Erann-Soussan, Head of French Department, MASHAV’s Agricultural Training Center – MATC
15:10-15:25 In The Service of Smallholder Farmers: Policy, Technology and Innovation
  Hilly Hirt, Head i4F Fund, Israel Innovation Authority
15:25-15:50 Panel Discussion
15:50-16:00 Summary Wrap Up


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