סמינר מחלקתי- The Art and Science of Predicting the Future: Credit Rating, College Admission and Parole Decision

Prof. Akos Rona-Tas

Department of Sociology University of California, San Diego 

12 באפריל 2018, 14:00 - 16:00 
הפקולטה למדעי החברה, בניין נפתלי, חדר 527 

במסגרת הסמינר יציג Prof. Akos Rona-Tas  מהמחלקה לסוציולוגיה באוניברסיטת קליפורניה, סאן דייגו, בנושא:


The Art and Science of Predicting the Future: Credit Rating, College Admission and Parole Decision


Prof. Rona-Tas is Professor of Sociology at the University of California, San Diego. He is interested in economic sociology, risk and uncertainty, rational choice theory, and statistical and survey methodology
His books include "Plastic Money, Constructing Markets for Credit Cards in Eight Postcommunist Countries" (2014, with Alya Guseva), and "Great Surprise of the Small Transformation: Demise of Communism and Rise of the Private Sector in Hungary" (1997

His articles appeared in the American Journal of Sociology, American Sociological Review, Theory and Society and other prestigious journals

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