The United States and the Middle East the Day After Trump

12 בינואר 2021, 18:00 
The United States and the Middle East the Day After Trump

The Frances Brody Institute for Applied Diplomacy (FBIAD) and the Center for the Study of the United States in Partnership with the Fulbright Program are proud to invite you to a virtual roundtable: 


What is the Biden Doctrine? 

The United States and the Middle East the Day After Trump   


The Event will take place on Tuesday, January 12, 18:00 (Israel Time)


  • “The Man who has Seen it All: What Biden’s Past Experiences can Teach us about his Foreign Policy” | Prof. Yossi Shain (Tel Aviv University)
  • “The Biden Doctrine: A Shift or a Continuation of American Grand Strategy?” | Prof. Benny Miller (University of Haifa)
  • "An Obama Redux? U.S. Disengagement from the Middle East: Paradox and Perception| " Dr. Brandon Friedman (MDC, Tel Aviv University)
  • “The Hopes and the Fears: Is Israel Waiting for Biden?” | Noa Landau (Haaretz Newspaper) 

Moderator: Dr. Yoav Fromer (Tel Aviv University)   


Please click here to join our event via Zoom

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