The Future of Democratic, Economic and Political Institutions

09 בנובמבר 2021, 16:00 
THE FUTURE OF DEMOCRATIC, Economic and Political Institutions

The Future of Democratic, Economic and Political Institutions The Future of Democratic, Economic and Political Institutions 


Online workshop by  Boris Mints Institute for Strategic Policy Solutions to Global Challenges.


Zoom link:


Tuesday, November 9th, 2021 – The Future of Democracy

16:00   Opening Remarks:

Rector Professor Heinz W. Engl of the University of Vienna

Dr. Boris Mints, President of the Boris Mints Institute


16:15 Panel 1 – Academic experts


Moderator: Mr. Rainer Nowak – Chief Editor of Die Presse

Prof. John Carey, Professor of Government, Dartmouth College
Prof. Sylvia Kritzinger, Department of Government, University of Vienna
Prof. Daniela Giannetti, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, University of Bologna
Prof. Wolfgang C. Muller, Department of Government, University of Vienna


17:00 Panel 2 – Leaders and Decision Makers


Moderator: Prof. Itamar Rabinovich, Former Ambassador of Israel to USA; President Emeritus of Tel-Aviv University

Prof. Armen Darbinian, Rector of Russian-Armenian State University and former Prime-Minister of Armenia
Prof. Yuli Tamir, President of Beit-Berl College, Former Israeli Minister of Immigrant Absorption and Education
Dr. Igor Luksic, Former Prime Minister of Montenegro; University of Donja Gorica




Wednesday, November 10th, 2021 – The Future of the Economic Institutions of the Neo-Liberal Era


16:00   Opening Remarks:

Prof. Milette Shamir, Vice President for International Affairs, Tel Aviv University


16:15 Panel 1 – Academic experts


Moderator: Prof. Itai Sened, Dean, the Gershon H. Gordon Faculty of Social Sciences, and Head of the Boris Mints Institute

Prof. Paul Romer, Nobel Prize Laureate, Department of Economics, NYU
Prof. Michael Kremer, Nobel Prize Laureate; Director, Development Innovation Lab, the Kenneth C. Griffin Department of Economics, University of Chicago
Prof. Anat Admati, Stanford Graduate School of Business


17:00 Panel 2 – Leaders and Decision Makers


Moderator: Professor Simeon Djankov – Co-Director, Financial Markets group; London School of Economics

Professor Michael G. Plummer, Director, SAIS Europe, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies
Dr. Nadine Baudot-Trajtenberg, Former Deputy Governor of the Bank of Israel
Prof. Sergei K. Dubinin, Member of VTB Capital Supervisory Board, Russia


[1] All hours refer to Israel time (GMT +3)

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