Lecture: mRNA technology and its impact on sustainable future

Special keynote guest speaker: Prof. Katalin Karikó  

12 במאי 2022, 14:00 
אולם 001 (אפטר) בניין נפתלי 
פרופ' קטלין קריקו


The Boris Mints Institute 7th Annual Conference – Research, Innovation and Global Policy
Special keynote guest speaker: Prof. Katalin Karikó  

Yaacov Efter Hall (001) Naftali Building | May 12th, 2022 | 14:00  

The Boris Mints Institute for Strategic Policy Solutions to Global Challenges 2022 hybrid research conference will be held at Tel Aviv University on May 11th-12th, 2022. 

This year's discussions, speeches, and presentations will present the institute's prominent figures and researchers' research, innovation, and global policy insights on the latest urgent global issues.

The institute will host Prof. Katalin Karikó as a keynote speaker at this conference. Prof. Kariko was nominated for the 2021 BMI Prize for her groundbreaking research and the development of mRNA vaccines and will be awarded an Honorary Doctorate from Tel Aviv University this year.

The full schedule is available on the BMI website: https://www.bmiglobalsolutions.org/conference-may-2022


Live streaming of the event will be available on YouTube on Thursday, 12th of May at 14:00 IL time. 

Link: https://youtu.be/a4ty-T6aXEQ

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